Governance Dashboard

Welcome to the DeFi Slate Governance Dashboard where you can catch the latest proposals from some of the top DeFi protocols!


1.Stargate DAO

1.1 SIP#22 Lowered Proposal Voting and Posting Thresholds

The Stargate community should lower the threshold for posting to 50,000 veSTG, with a minimum quorum 2.5% and a 70% support threshold for community proposals. The safeguards around Core proposals should be left intact. This will allow for more community members to post proposals and for a faster community consensus, allowing for ideas the community decides are important to be implemented more quickly. At the same time a higher support threshold will ensure the community is aligned prior to any proposal passing.

(ends 1st December)


1.2 SIP#23 – Data Driven Emissions Modifications

Stargate should align emissions with pool utilization. This would allow the protocol to target an optimal and healthy TVL for each pool to facilitate the transfer of value and provide efficient liquidity. An overall emission reduction would also be targeted as protocol owned liquidity and protocol efficiency continues to improve.

(ends 1st December)


1.3 A.P.D — POP Request

  • POP is the native token of Popcorn, a multi-chain DeFi yield optimizer.
  • In a recent proposal, Popcorn’s DAO has decided to migrate liquidity from Ethereum and Polygon to Optimism and would like to use Stargate to bridge the token.
  • For more information on Popcorn, please visit the docs here:



2.1 [Consensus Check] Fix the Cross Chain Messaging Bridge on Arbitrum

Arbitrum was initially going to allow L1 addresses to pass calls directly to L2 with msg.sender preserved. After realizing security issues with this approach, Arbitrum team instead shifted their approach to use aliasing (this method transforms L1 addresses to be a different address when represented on an L2):

Uniswap Labs was not made aware of this change in approach before deploying on Arbitrum. The Uniswap Factory was deployed with the owner set to the same, unaliased address of the L1 Uniswap Timelock contract.

(ends 3rd December)


3.Proof of Humanity

3.1 HIP-76 [Phase 3]: Creation and election of new DAO Roles

We propose a way to define new Roles that will be democratically voted. These roles are to be covered by registered humans and should take care of administrative tasks in systems where decentralization and ownership are not possible. The community will vote for their trusted members to occupy those roles. Some examples are: Snapshot admins, multisig signers, group owners, etc.

(ends 1st December)


4. Sismo

4.1 SIP-9: SAFE Claim and Delegation

As part of the Safe DAO launch, Safe (previously Gnosis Safe) is distributing governance powers to historical users. The Sismo Community Treasury has claims to 433.58 SAFE tokens, of which 200 will be vested over 4 years. To claim the Airdrop before the expiry, the DAO has to delegate its voting power to an external wallet. This proposal suggests claiming the SAFE token and delegating it to daoplomats.eth



5.1 [AGIP 53] Channel Alchemica by Burning Kinship

I propose to charge -4 kinship each time gotchi is channelling the altar.

This change gives a gotchi a choice to:

(1) accumulate kinship (+2 kinship /day) and improve the character farming specs

(2) take alchemica now and lose on the yield multiplier

By implementing this elegant and relatively simple solution, we are not only changing the alchemica dynamics and cutting the efficient inflation by 50% (in the wild should be closer to 60/40 or 40/60, depending on market conditions), but also making a game more strategic and exciting for long term players.

Such change is an excellent alternative to the current economic proposals and additionally will reduce the MATIC spend for channelling in half.

(ends 4th December)



1.Loot Owners

1.1 LIP-5 Migrate to a new contract to support OpenSea’s blocklist

OpenSea has released a blog post about a new blocklist feature intended to

enforce creator fees on secondary sales.

This is a proposal to migrate to a new contract that attempts to enforces creator fees on chain using the OpenSea OperatorFilterRegistry tool. This will allow us to support OpenSea’s blocklist and remain eligible for creator fees from secondary sales on OpenSea.

(ends 15th December)


2.1 GIP-71: Should GnosisDAO support hosted Blockscout explorer for Chiado testnet?

Chiado testnet is an important new part of the Gnosis ecosystem as a developer testnet. A reliable explorer is required for developers to be productive on Gnosis. A Blockscout instance should be set up as soon as possible to support Chiado now and into the future. This instance will rely on a dedicated node supported by Gateway. Gateway is already working with Chiado and can quickly spin up and support the required node infrastructure and RPC endpoint.

To expedite the process, which is necessary as the merge is coming very quickly, we are proceeding directly to phase 2. In case this proposal is supported by Gnosis community, Blockscout team is ready to prioritize this integration, and will try to launch the instance within one month after passing the proposal. We’ll plan for minimal branding based on the current Gnosis Chain explorer with monochrome colors to differentiate Chiado. The instance will be hosted at 4.

(ends 17th November)



3.1 [TMP #1] – Approval to Increase the Treasury Allocation Limit on UwU Lend to 16%

Request DAO approval to increase the exposure limit to UWU Lend to 16% of the total treasury until voted otherwise by the Treasury Council or DAO.

(ends 12th November)


3.2 [TMP #2] – Authorize Treasury Council to Lock UwU-Eth LP Tokens Into

Authorize the Treasury Council to lock UWU-ETH LP tokens using current and future rewards, until voted otherwise by the Treasury Council or DAO.

(ends 12 th November)



4.1 [LIDO-1] November 1, 2022 – April 30, 2023 | Lido Ongoing Funding Request

Lido is in the process of continued decentralization towards a permissionless, contributor-driven DAO. Two independent real-world vehicles will serve as invoicing/contracting entities for Lido contributors and suppliers, in the interest of furthering the development of open source software dedicated to decentralized liquid staking operations.

(ends 10th November)


5.1 SIP-8: Grant temporary Badge Curation power to Sismo Core Team

Grant temporary Badge Curation power to Sismo Core Team for the next 3 months so that they can deploy internally developed ZK Badge to the curated protocol ( without going through a governance vote. The community will keep on curating badges proposed by external teams.

(ends 23rd November)



6.1 Integrate BNB48 CLub Farm on BSC Chain

Stake $KOGE or KOGE-BNB pancake lp to earn.

Simple and sustainable farming pools.

Open-source contract.

Rewards comes from BNB48 Club revenue

Rules confirmed by BNB48 DAO proposal.

(ends 12th November)


7.Illuvinati Governance

7.1 IIP-25 Council Pay & Voting Mechanism

Make changes to voting and council pay ahead of the next epoch, implementing changes suggested by the Illuvium CFO and key election feedback from the community. Governance v2 is very close to being presented to the community recommending a number of significant and more complex improvements. These two changes add value to the DAO immediately and their adoption is recommended prior to the full discussion of broader governance improvements.

(ends 11th November)

8.Pool Together

8.1 PoolTogether Protocol Constitution

This Snapshot ratifies the PoolTogether Protocol Constitution. The Snapshot will last a year, reminding us to re-review the document.

Signing this Snapshot will signal your pledge to the constitution.

(ends 30th September 2023)

  1. MutantCatsDAO

9.1 SuperRare Rare Passes Proposal

We are introducing “Weighted Vote”. 1 Cat is still 1 Vote. However, you would be able to distribute your votes among more than 1 option if you wish. In this case, you have 5 options to choose (listed below), and you can distribute as many MCs as you own between the options. So for example, if you own 10 MCs, you can vote five cats for option 1, two cats for option 4, and three cats for option 5. You can also distribute your votes between all the options, Snapshot would prorate your MCs and you might see you voted 5.4 cats for one option as an example – nothing to worry, Snapshot is a percentage voting system so that’s perfectly fine.

(ends 11th November)



10.1 [GIP-29] FRAX Pool

Gearbox has gotten noticeable traction after the launch of Leverage Ninja mode. FRAX related assets have become the most popular since then with around $20M worth of FRAX related convex/curve pools* which makes it reasonable to consider adding a separate Gearbox FRAX pool in order to increase available liquidity and decrease liquidation risks at the same time.

(ends 13th November)





1.1 [ARC] – ERC4626 Strategies as Productive Collateral

@Llamaxyz is proposing the introduction of a new productive collateral type that allows users to earn the rewards of other protocols by depositing into Aave v3 Reserves.

With the support of the community, Llama will develop ERC4626 strategies that enable Balancer v2 and Curve Liquidity Provider tokens to be deposited as collateral. Users will earn the rewards from the respective Aura Finance and Convex Finance gauges whilst being able to draw a loan against the productive strategies.

This new type of collateral is expected to drive borrowing demand for listed assets and generate additional revenue for Aave DAO by sending 5% of the earned rewards to the DAO.

(ends 10th November)


2.Optimism Collective

2.1 Season 2: Cycle 8: EthernautDAO

By approving committees, the Token House entered a social contract to entrust and delegate the bulk of decision-making to official committees. However, delegates may vote against the recommendation of official committees but should provide a justification to the community as to why they voted differently.

(ends 10th November)



3.1 Season 6 Seasonal Funding

Per current operating procedures, Department, Guild, and Project funding requests were reviewed by the Grants Committee and were approved for a total of 22,032,292 BANK.

Of this amount, 50% of project funding (6,037,828.50 BANK) will be held by the Grants Committee Multisig to disburse mid-season, based on KPIs being reported.

This proposal seeks to ratify the distribution of these budgeted allocations.

(ends 11th November)


3.2 Season 6 Specification and Community-Indicated Direction

This is the BanklessDAO Season 6 Specification. It has been reformatted to adhere to the procedure of governance changes as defined by our newly codified Constitution. If this Seasonal Specification passes Snapshot, the following timeline will be ratified. Special considerations for focus in Season 6, as indicated through the Season 6 Community Vote, are included here as well.

(ends 11th November)


3.3 bDIP-00: Seasonal Funding Process Clarification

This change is required to enable a timely Season 6 transition. Established procedures through Season 5, including the Season 5 Specification process, were superseded by the Constitution, which was ratified during Season 5. As a result, the governance processes around the season transition require clarification.

This bDIP proposes new wording to the Funding section under Seasonal Budgets to accurately reflect current Seasonal Process. Its passage will allow seasonal funding to continue as intended, given the short timelines leading up to Season 6. Future bDIPs will be developed to further clarify the Constitution in this respect.

It is our intent to minimize the delay of funding disbursement for Season 6. If this bDIP passes, a seven day delay is expected. If this bDIP does not pass, the delay is unknown.

(ends 11th November)


4.Proof of Humanity

4.1 HIP-75 [Phase 3]: Remove the Mission Board Member Role

This HIP aims to remove the figure of Mission Board Member as it currently exists and to terminate the functions of the current members of the Mission Board.

(ends 11th November)



5.1 Support DCL Reporters and Improve Content Quality

Coming into our 4th revision of our proposal we have reduced our request by 75%, and retained only the costs necessary to maintain our operations while focusing on the one thing that matters most: Content Quality.We have also established our rewards system automation, and approved a 10% royalty return from The DCL Report to DCL DAO

Since January 2021 The Decentraland Report has been a platform for community members to join as reporters and preserve the history of the metaverse. By increasing the content quality and introductory ecosystem value tutorial content, we bring about a greater sense of community understanding of everyone’s work across the entire Decentraland ecosystem.

(ends 21st November)


5.2 Exodus Development (1)

Part 1 of 5 proposals for a 1 time payments of $3,000 totaling $15k for the Exodus Metaverse Role-Playing Game (M.R.P.G) Development.

(ends 14th November)



6.1 AIRDROP for community.

I propose that we airdrop tokens to our community users.

Those who is eligible are:

  1. NFT holders from Polygon:
    2.Our alpha users
    3.Famous communities like AAVE and UNISWAP.
    I suggest that 8M tokens to be dropped to these users.
    And we should first make it happen before year 2023.

(ends 30th November)



7.1 BIP 99: Badger Emissions Going Forward


The DAO has historically allocated emissions through a quarterly schedule that is ratified by token holders. Current emissions schedules are mostly assigned to specific vaults. There is, however, an exception that has demonstrated successful delegation of emissions responsibility.

(ends 14th November)



8.1 [AGIP48] The Forge – Request for Funding and Development

You can turn wearables into other wearables with the forge mechanic

Wearables are made of alloys + schematics (the recipe) + Frames

This allows many new wearable designs

This process can be deflationary, making room for new wearable sales and protecting current asset value

This 50,000 GHST will go to fund the development of the Forge, its mechanics, smart contracts, art, and educational materials

The goal is for the DAO to do as much of the work as possible to avoid delaying Pixelcraft’s other efforts

See the Project Overview and Google Sheet documents for extensive details

Know that this is all a work in progress and we would all benefit from broad DAO contributions

(ends 9th November)


8.2 [AGIP47] Enacting a Bonding Curve Emergency Plan

MakerDAO contracts get blacklisted by Circle (USDC) due to regulatory reasons: Signers would have to act immediately to protect the value of GHST’s backing. I propose immediately shutting down the Curve and swapping the DAI for USDC. This ensures that we lock in some of our treasury’s value, it does however remove the main source of liquidity for GHST. To make sure GHST doesn’t enter a free fall, $5M worth of USDC should immediately be paired with $5M worth of treasury GHST in our main Quickswap pool.

Using the current numbers, this would leave us with ~$18M USDC – the majority of which should be used to buy back the paired GHST and build up a larger LP position. The initial LP position would double our current pool and buy enough time to decide on next steps.

(ends 9th November)


8.3 [AGIP46] Creating new Wearable Sets

During the new wearables moratorium, the opportunities to fix existing sets and to introduce new sets involving ONLY current wearables were identified.

The “broken” sets were successfully fixed via patch, and different members of the community put forth their suggestions for new wearable sets. Existing Pixelcraft guidelines for the composition and bonuses of each wearable set, mainly based on the rarity of the highest component, were applied.

(ends 9th November)




1.1 GR14 Round Structure & Grants Eligibility Update

This proposal looks to finalize round structure & matching pool allocations for Grants Round 14.

In addition, we’re proposing a policy change to platform-level eligibility for grantees, following the many discussions on this topic in GR13.

(ends 28th May)



2.1 Add StakeWise’s sETH2 on Aave v2 Mainnet Market

Staking is foundational to the Ethereum network, with liquid staking specifically providing users with the opportunity to unlock the power of their staked capital. One of the most requested features within our protocol is the ability to utilise sETH2 as collateral to borrow against.

sETH2 is ideal collateral for borrowing ETH specifically, given the high correlation between asset prices. Following the launch of eMode within Aave V3, sETH2 would allow for leveraged ETH staking without taking on a lot of risk. Lido’s stETH has proven to be a valuable collateral asset within the Aave ecosystem and it’s time to explore adding sETH2, the second most liquid ETH staking token. This integration would benefit both StakeWise and Aave, bringing new users to both platforms.

(ends 26th May)


3.1 Provide transparency on finances

Sushi DAO should provide transparency on all expenses and promises (deals such as salaries to be paid, bonuses to be paid, etc). All team members should use publicly known wallet addresses and receive any salary/bonus/rewards from Sushi on these addresses.

This will help restore public trust in Sushi DAO and helps others in the ecosystem to help out with things like budget forecasting, etc. It’s currently nearly impossible for external stakeholders to vote on proposals as it’s impossible to know the financial health of the treasury.

(ends 29th May)



4.1 VitaDAO <> BanklessDAO Token Swap

  • This proposal is to initiate a token swap with VitaDAO for its governance token $VITA.
  • $25,000 worth of BANK will be swapped for $25,000 of VITA taken at the 30-day moving average at the end of the votes on both sides.
  • BanklessDAO would benefit from treasury diversification and possible sales of its products and services to VitaDAO.
  • The partnership aligns with BanklessDAO’s mission and values by promoting decentralized, permissionless, and censorship-resistant technology and community.

(ends 28th May)


5.Proof of Humanity


In compliance with HIP-39, the voting begins to elect the new members of the Mission Board.

(ends 28th May)


  1. Balancer

6.1 Allowlist Pickle Finance in veBAL’s VotingEscrow

This proposal makes no request to the Balancer community for financial assistance to Pickle. We are a solvent, revenue-generating protocol with a healthy balance sheet. Our interest is in providing a superior service to Balancer users and to create a symbiotic relationship between our communities.

(ends 26th May)


6.2 Form the Emergency subDAO

A governance proposal will be required to change signers of this multisig. To be clear, Balancer’s Emergency subDAO will only have the power to kill gauges. Balancer pools cannot be “killed” by governance after the pool factory has been deployed for three months.

An additional power of the Emergency subDAO will be to add a token to the deny list on the newly created “ProtocolFeesWithdrawer” contract. In order for a token to be added back to the allow list a veBAL governance vote would be required. A token would only be added to the deny list in the event of an issue along the lines of the recent Synthetix bug disclosure.

(ends 26th May)



7.1 Mythical eye shape usage

Some great eye discussions at the very insightful and thoughtful weekly DAO meetings.

Besides mythical eye shape being flex there needs to be some utility balance. Not sure if this mythical eye shape idea has been already proposed.

Be the only gotchis to see FUD on FUD land. All other 3 alchemica visible to gotchis.

Be the only gotchis to see FOMO on FOMO

Be the only gotchis to see ALPHA on ALPHA land

Be the only gotchis to see KEK on KEK land

(ends 31 May)


7.2 Gate estate size by Aaltar level rather than Lodge level

There is a problem with the currently proposed estate building mechanics. Since linking parcels is restricted by the presence of an upgraded lodge, it is quite expensive to link parcels with very little benefit for doing so. This can be fixed by linking the estate size limit to a parcel’s Aaltar level rather than Lodge level.

(ends 3rd July)


7.4 [AGIP 30] Scheduling Land Auction/Raffle #3 for June

This proposal is synthesized from community feedback over the last few weeks and attempts to balance the following: NFT dilution; an auction/raffle feeling too rushed; inadequate available GHST liquidity; concern for the funding of Rarity Farming Season 4; capitalizing on the momentum and marketing of the full game release. A June Auction will allow >2 weeks of Citaadel gameplay and will allow sufficient time for marketing and business development efforts to capture maximum investment. There is an adequate Gotchiverse Rewards Pool after the first two land auctions, and this sale will help fund RFS4 and perhaps even some of Season 5.

This proposal has been discussed with the Pixelcraft team who support it and feel the target date is feasible.

(ends 27th May)


7.4 [AGIP 29] 24h windows for Alchemical Channeling

As specified in Gotchiverse Bible Chapter 3, solo gotchi channeling will work via a 24 hour cooldown timer that starts immediately after a gotchi channels at an altar. We propose that this be revised to a windowed 24 hour system that runs from 00:00 UTC to 23:59 UTC in which a gotchi can solo channel once, anytime within that 24 hour window.

(ends 27th May)




1.1 GR14 Round Structure & Grants Eligibility Update

This proposal looks to finalize round structure & matching pool allocations for Grants Round 14.

In addition, we’re proposing a policy change to platform-level eligibility for grantees, following the many discussions on this topic in GR13.

(ends 28th May)



2.1 Add StakeWise’s sETH2 on Aave v2 Mainnet Market

Staking is foundational to the Ethereum network, with liquid staking specifically providing users with the opportunity to unlock the power of their staked capital. One of the most requested features within our protocol is the ability to utilise sETH2 as collateral to borrow against.

sETH2 is ideal collateral for borrowing ETH specifically, given the high correlation between asset prices. Following the launch of eMode within Aave V3, sETH2 would allow for leveraged ETH staking without taking on a lot of risk. Lido’s stETH has proven to be a valuable collateral asset within the Aave ecosystem and it’s time to explore adding sETH2, the second most liquid ETH staking token. This integration would benefit both StakeWise and Aave, bringing new users to both platforms.

(ends 26th May)



3.1 Provide transparency on finances

Sushi DAO should provide transparency on all expenses and promises (deals such as salaries to be paid, bonuses to be paid, etc). All team members should use publicly known wallet addresses and receive any salary/bonus/rewards from Sushi on these addresses.

This will help restore public trust in Sushi DAO and helps others in the ecosystem to help out with things like budget forecasting, etc. It’s currently nearly impossible for external stakeholders to vote on proposals as it’s impossible to know the financial health of the treasury.

(ends 29th May)


3.2 Let’s Get $TOKE [Implementation]

Sushi’s Treasury currently has 41,424.01 TOKE ($963,522.47) that could be utilized for staking at a potential APR between 16% – 31%.

The main initiative is to make Sushi’s treasury more productive. The yield earned will help sustain the protocol in the long run. It could be used to help cover fees for setting up the Swiss Association, operations fees etc.

(ends 24th May)



4.1 VitaDAO <> BanklessDAO Token Swap

  • This proposal is to initiate a token swap with VitaDAO for its governance token $VITA.
  • $25,000 worth of BANK will be swapped for $25,000 of VITA taken at the 30-day moving average at the end of the votes on both sides.
  • BanklessDAO would benefit from treasury diversification and possible sales of its products and services to VitaDAO.
  • The partnership aligns with BanklessDAO’s mission and values by promoting decentralized, permissionless, and censorship-resistant technology and community.

(ends 28th May)


5.Proof of Humanity


In compliance with HIP-39, the voting begins to elect the new members of the Mission Board.

(ends 28th May)


  1. Balancer

6.1 Allowlist Pickle Finance in veBAL’s VotingEscrow

This proposal makes no request to the Balancer community for financial assistance to Pickle. We are a solvent, revenue-generating protocol with a healthy balance sheet. Our interest is in providing a superior service to Balancer users and to create a symbiotic relationship between our communities.

(ends 26th May)


6.2 Form the Emergency subDAO

A governance proposal will be required to change signers of this multisig. To be clear, Balancer’s Emergency subDAO will only have the power to kill gauges. Balancer pools cannot be “killed” by governance after the pool factory has been deployed for three months.

An additional power of the Emergency subDAO will be to add a token to the deny list on the newly created “ProtocolFeesWithdrawer” contract. In order for a token to be added back to the allow list a veBAL governance vote would be required. A token would only be added to the deny list in the event of an issue along the lines of the recent Synthetix bug disclosure.

(ends 26th May)


6.3 Enable CREAM/WETH 80/20 Gauge [Ethereum]

This proposal aims to add veBAL gauge for the CREAM/WETH 80/20 pool. BAL incentives would help deepen CREAM liquidity as 24-hour trading volume on exchange averages $2 million, it would bring sizable CREAM trading volume on Balancer.

(ends 24th May)



7.1 Mythical eye shape usage

Some great eye discussions at the very insightful and thoughtful weekly DAO meetings.

Besides mythical eye shape being flex there needs to be some utility balance. Not sure if this mythical eye shape idea has been already proposed.

Be the only gotchis to see FUD on FUD land. All other 3 alchemica visible to gotchis.

Be the only gotchis to see FOMO on FOMO

Be the only gotchis to see ALPHA on ALPHA land

Be the only gotchis to see KEK on KEK land

(ends 31 May)


7.2 Show royalty fees when listing

It would be nice to see the exact amount of GHST you will receive after the item is sold.

Proposal is to add info on the royalties deducted from selling price when listing.

(ends 25th May)


7.3 Gate estate size by Aaltar level rather than Lodge level

There is a problem with the currently proposed estate building mechanics. Since linking parcels is restricted by the presence of an upgraded lodge, it is quite expensive to link parcels with very little benefit for doing so. This can be fixed by linking the estate size limit to a parcel’s Aaltar level rather than Lodge level.

(ends 3rd July)


7.4 [AGIP 30] Scheduling Land Auction/Raffle #3 for June

This proposal is synthesized from community feedback over the last few weeks and attempts to balance the following: NFT dilution; an auction/raffle feeling too rushed; inadequate available GHST liquidity; concern for the funding of Rarity Farming Season 4; capitalizing on the momentum and marketing of the full game release. A June Auction will allow >2 weeks of Citaadel gameplay and will allow sufficient time for marketing and business development efforts to capture maximum investment. There is an adequate Gotchiverse Rewards Pool after the first two land auctions, and this sale will help fund RFS4 and perhaps even some of Season 5.

This proposal has been discussed with the Pixelcraft team who support it and feel the target date is feasible.

(ends 27th May)


7.4 [AGIP 29] 24h windows for Alchemical Channeling

As specified in Gotchiverse Bible Chapter 3, solo gotchi channeling will work via a 24 hour cooldown timer that starts immediately after a gotchi channels at an altar. We propose that this be revised to a windowed 24 hour system that runs from 00:00 UTC to 23:59 UTC in which a gotchi can solo channel once, anytime within that 24 hour window.

(ends 27th May)




1.1 Feedback for FDD Budget Proposal

This is a test to get some feedback for our budget proposal. Rather than simply request a budget with a slight reduction, we wanted to get feedback from the community on each outcome FDD plans to work on during Season 14.


FDD has Outcomes which are nested under the following 3 priorities.

Sybil Defense (SD) – Protect the legitimacy of funding round outcomes

(ends 17th May)


1.2 dCompass S14 budget request

The dCompass workstream is requesting a total of 110 200$ (19k GTC – $5.8/GTC) for Season 14, which is 2 times less than our previous budget request and it will be the last season that dCompass receives recurrent funding from Gitcoin DAO’s treasury.

(ends 17th May)


1.3 MintKudos Workstream S14 Budget Request

MintKudos provides a platform for people to recognize community contributions in the most delightful way possible. These soulbound recognition tokens, which range from peer-to-peer appreciations and endorsements to formal attestations of contributions, become the foundation for an individual’s decentralized reputation.

This request is to formalize the mintkudos workstream and comes with a budget request for (for product discovery and designs) 6.6k GTC for Season 14 (May-July 2022).

Our motivation stems from unlocking the Contributor Economy, a world where people can fluidly work for communities that they’re mission-aligned with and get paid in ownership by creating the building blocks to contributor identity.

(ends 17th May)



2.1 Tokenomics – Stake 10 ETH from Treasury using Rocket Pool

The proposal is to stake (10 ETH) of our ETH in the treasury (34.45 ETH) for rETH to generate passive yield on ETH and support permissionless, decentralized PoS ETH staking. The reason for starting with a 10 ETH stake is to minimize our initial Rocket Pool protocol risk exposure, and we should stake more after we are more confident in the benefits of staking our ETH with Rocket Pool. rETH is liquid and can be swapped back for ETH at any time if needed.

The future vision that this proposal will aid in proving out is to make holding rETH (or other decentralized ETH PoS pools) the standard for the BanklessDAO treasury using any ETH not set aside for gas. This proposal is our initial foray into this vision.

(ends 18th May)

2.2 Tokenomics – Fulfill Contractual Obligation with Balancer Regarding the BANK/wETH Pool on Ethereum Mainnet


Per bDAO’s agreement with Balancer Protocol, Balancer requires 475K BANK to distribute rewards to those who provided liquidity during the rewards period for the original BANK/wETH pool on Ethereum Mainnet.

(ends 18th May)



3.1 Enable CRE8R/WETH 80/20 Gauge [Arbitrum]


We have had some success with our pools on Beethoven-x

[CRE8R In F-Major]


(limited to 2 URL Links by posting restrictions)

We would like to expand our liquidity to L2s and plan to build one on OP if and when that goes live too.

(ends 19th May)



4.1 QIP103: Add xBOO as Collateral for MAI

xBOO is the staked version of BOO, SpookySwap’s governance token. Adding xBOO would allow users to earn SpookySwap fees while borrowing against BOO’s value.

At the time of writing, there was $21M locked in xBOO.


  • grow relationship with SpookySwap
  • increase protocol revenue
  • increase TVL

(ends 19th May)


4.2 QIP102: Add yvUSDC as Collateral for MAI

yvUSDC (Yearn Vault USDC) is a USDC strategy on Yearn Finance. It earns yield from Iron Bank.

At the time of writing, there was $13M locked in yvUSDC. There are no major use cases for yvUSDC on Fantom.


  • grow relationship with Yearn
  • increase protocol revenue
  • increase TVL

(ends 19th May)

4.3 QIP101: Add xxDAI as Collateral for MAI

xxDai is an interest-bearing derivative of Maker’s Dai and is provided by Tetu. This proposal aims to add xxDai as a collateral option for minting MAI.

(ends 19th May)


5.1 GIP-44: Allow GNO holders to vote with invested/staked/locked positions in mainnet/gc

Following from GIP-28, this proposal enables those holding and using GNO in a greater number of places to retain their vote in the GnosisDAO.

Currently, the GnosisDAO’s Snapshot strategy counts GNO on mainnet and Gnosis Chain, along with LGNO, mGNO, and some GBC staking deposits on Gnosis Chain.

If approved, this proposal will allow users providing liquidity on various AMMs to retain their voting power, along with counting all GBC staking deposits.

(ends 24th May)


5.2 GIP-41 Should GnosisDAO Partner with Giveth to Increased Sustainable Liquidity?

Mutually beneficial token swap to create a 1M USD equivalent shared liquidity pool of $500k GIV <> $500k GNO on Honeyswap (Gnosis Chain).

(ends 24th May)

5.3 GIP-42: Should $10M in GNO be used to foster the usage of Uniswap v3 on Gnosis Chain?

A large directive for the Gnosis Chain is to increase the user base and on-chain activity by strategically allocating funds from the GnosisDAO treasury to promote adoption. An ecosystem fund has been created for this purpose, and we propose to use a portion of these funds to promote Uniswap v3 on Gnosis Chain. We propose providing up to $10M to incentivize the adoption of Uniswap v3 on Gnosis Chain.

(ends 24th May)




1.1 ARC: Whitelist Connext for V3 Portals

A proposal to whitelist Connext, a trust minimized cross chain protocol, for V3 Portals on 6 chains: Optimism, Arbitrum, Polygon, Avalanche, Fantom, Harmony – with credit lines for USDC ($2m on each chain), USDT ($1m on each chain) and ETH (40 ETH on each chain).

(ends 12th May)

1.2 ARC: Enable sUSD as Collateral on AAVE V3 on Optimism with a 10 million sUSD Supply cap

sUSD is a decentralized stable coin over collateralized by the SNX token. sUSD is already listed on AAVE markets as a lendable asset as well as SNX which can be used as collateral in addition to borrow/lending. There is significant liquidity for sUSD on both Mainnet and Optimism. I am proposing for it to be enabled as collateral on AAVE V3 on Optimism with a 10 million sUSD supply cap.

(ends 12th May)


2.1 Cake Locked Pool – Multi-Reward Pool

I sugest creating a multi-reward pool where everyone who had their Cake locked could earn token from other pools – a kind of Cake Vault. This would increase global apr, allow Cake holders to earn other tokens and encourage locking.

(ends 9th June)


3.1 Whitelist the Aave Mainnet Reserve Factor for Balancer’s VoteEscrow

The proposal aims to add Aave DAO’s Reserve Factor address to the Balancer VotingEscrow whitelist. This will enable the Aave Community to vote-lock BAL (B-80BAL-20WETH) and participate in Balancer DAO’s governance, [1].

(ends 12th May)


4.1 QIP100: Add DODO as Collateral for MAI

Adding DODO as collateral for MAI will allow DODO holders to mint stablecoins at 0% interest against their tokens. Approving DODO will also approve its derivatives on whitelisted platforms (i.e. Beefy, Yearn, etc.).

DODO vaults will be eligible for borrow incentives.

In exchange for listing DODO as an accepted collateral, the DODO team will provide liquidity mining incentives for MAI on DODO (BNB Chain).

(ends 12th May)

4.2 QIP099: Add Support for stNEAR Lending

Enter Aurora ecosystem

Introduce MAI to new audiences

Increase revenue to QiDao

Increase TVL

(ends 12th May)


4.3 QIP098: Add Support for xTRI Lending

Enter Aurora ecosystem

Introduce MAI to new audiences

Increase revenue to QiDao

Increase TVL

(ends 12th May)

4.4 QIP097: Add Support for Aurora Lending

Enter Aurora ecosystem

Introduce MAI to new audiences

Increase revenue to QiDao

Increase TVL

(ends 12th May)


5.1 Moonshot Collective S14 budget request


We’re entering season 14 as a reorganized collective 2. Our focus is going to reside in three main buckets this season; rapidly prototyping and experimenting within key themes to identify viable product concepts and solutions that add value to GItcoinDAO, organizing ourselves to become the trusted source of software development for GitcoinDAO, and better engaging the Moonshot community.

(ends 16th May)

5.2 KERNEL S14 Budget Request

During this season, our goals include:

  • Raising sustainable funding for KERNEL in a completely web3-native way (directly from protocols and through our own projects, no venture funding), starting at home with GitcoinDAO
  • Seeding a healthy KERNEL Treasury, starting with tokens / equity gifted back from ~7 KERNEL projects in S14
  • Run KERNEL Block 6, an “empty” block, focusing on engineering, creative, and communal projects already percolating within KERNEL
  • Select KERNEL Block 7, welcoming the next wave of 300+ KERNEL Fellows starting September 9th, 2022
  • Serving in a meta-governance role in GTC, offering our perspective in protocol governance for the first time, using the KERNEL syllabus as a grounding structure

(ends 16th May)

5.3 MMM Workstream S14 Budget Request

tl;dr ✨The efforts of the Memes, Merch, & Marketing workstream continue! Our highest priority of Season 14 will be to maximize the impact of Grants 2.0 and marketing GR14.

(ends 16th May)

5.4 Public Goods Funding WS Budget Request for S14

This vote is looking to pass the S14 budget for the Public Goods Funding Workstream (PGFW).

The top level KPI of the PGF is to help increase the interest in and funding for public goods within web3, principally by leveraging quadratic funding and other related mechanisms (e.g. retroPGF 1).

The total amount requested is 185.5k GTC over these 3 key areas:

Grassroots Community Efforts (35k GTC)

Gitcoin Grants Operations (45k GTC)

Community Partnerships (72.5k GTC)

60 days reserves (95k GTC) – current reserves (62k GTC)

(ends 16th May)

5.5 DAO Ops S14 Budget Request

Key objectives:

  • Develop sustainable DAO-wide treasury strategy and scale accounting operations ensuring timely payments and treasury diversification within workstreams
  • Streamline contributor onboarding process with clearer entry points, support CSDO, and set high standard for community management
  • Support steward participation via enhanced information flow
  • Improve community tooling, increase community adoption, service DAO infrastructure, and provide enhanced security
  • Improve the hiring experience, and provide clear, accessible People Ops guidance; Scale the peer review and role documentation to support additional contributors
  • Rebuild the user support team and improve its performance

(ends 16th May)




1.1 ARC: Whitelist Connext for V3 Portals

A proposal to whitelist Connext, a trust minimized cross chain protocol, for V3 Portals on 6 chains: Optimism, Arbitrum, Polygon, Avalanche, Fantom, Harmony – with credit lines for USDC ($2m on each chain), USDT ($1m on each chain) and ETH (40 ETH on each chain).

(ends 12th May)

1.2 ARC: Enable sUSD as Collateral on AAVE V3 on Optimism with a 10 million sUSD Supply cap

sUSD is a decentralized stable coin over collateralized by the SNX token. sUSD is already listed on AAVE markets as a lendable asset as well as SNX which can be used as collateral in addition to borrow/lending. There is significant liquidity for sUSD on both Mainnet and Optimism. I am proposing for it to be enabled as collateral on AAVE V3 on Optimism with a 10 million sUSD supply cap.

(ends 12th May)

1.3 Should nine (9) total risk parameters across five (5) Aave V2 assets be updated?

This proposal is a batch update of risk parameters to align with the Moderate risk level chosen by the Aave community. These parameter updates are a continuation of Gauntlet’s regular parameter recommendations.

(ends 11th May)


2.1 Sushi 2.0: A Restructure For The Road Ahead [Implementation]

This proposal is the first step to a promising & accountable future for Sushi. The proposal is effectively broken down into three actionable items to be voted on. First, retaining the list of team members listed in the forum post. Second, establishment of a formal compensation committee to serve as a check in transparency and accountability for all budgetary matters. Third, the commencement of an executive & leadership search to compliment the team being retained.

(ends 11th May)


3.1 Cake Locked Pool – Multi-Reward Pool

I sugest creating a multi-reward pool where everyone who had their Cake locked could earn token from other pools – a kind of Cake Vault. This would increase global apr, allow Cake holders to earn other tokens and encourage locking.

(ends 9th June)


4.1 Whitelist the Aave Mainnet Reserve Factor for Balancer’s VoteEscrow

The proposal aims to add Aave DAO’s Reserve Factor address to the Balancer VotingEscrow whitelist. This will enable the Aave Community to vote-lock BAL (B-80BAL-20WETH) and participate in Balancer DAO’s governance, [1].

(ends 12th May)


4.2 Enable Matic<>MaticX Gauge [Polygon]

Stader proposes adding a gauge for the Matic<>MaticX pool on Balancer. MaticX is a liquid token for Matic staking built by StaderLabs, a multi-chain staking infrastructure provider with ~770 mn $ in TVL. The incentivization of the Matic<>MaticX pool on Balancer will help:

  1. Build deep liquidity would be a prerequisite to make staked Matic truly liquid in the Polygon Defi ecosystem and incentives would be an important mechanism to aid this
  2. Establish Balancer as the prime DEX for Matic <> MaticX pool. Two reasons why this is important:
  3. $3 bn in assets locked in polygon staking currently that is set to be unlocked by liquid staking solutions like MaticX
  4. With its metastable pool technology, Balancer is best placed to serve Matic <> MaticX

(ends 11th May)


5.1 QIP100: Add DODO as Collateral for MAI

Adding DODO as collateral for MAI will allow DODO holders to mint stablecoins at 0% interest against their tokens. Approving DODO will also approve its derivatives on whitelisted platforms (i.e. Beefy, Yearn, etc.).

DODO vaults will be eligible for borrow incentives.

In exchange for listing DODO as an accepted collateral, the DODO team will provide liquidity mining incentives for MAI on DODO (BNB Chain).

(ends 12th May)

5.2 QIP099: Add Support for stNEAR Lending

Enter Aurora ecosystem

Introduce MAI to new audiences

Increase revenue to QiDao

Increase TVL

(ends 12th May)

5.3 QIP098: Add Support for xTRI Lending

Enter Aurora ecosystem

Introduce MAI to new audiences

Increase revenue to QiDao

Increase TVL

(ends 12th May)

5.4 QIP097: Add Support for Aurora Lending

Enter Aurora ecosystem

Introduce MAI to new audiences

Increase revenue to QiDao

Increase TVL

(ends 12th May)

6.Gnosis DAO

6.1 GIP-40: Should Gnosis DAO support a reimbursement plan to the Hundred Finance Community in the following manner?

On March 15th, 2022, the Gnosis Chain deployment of the Hundred Finance lending platform was exploited. This exploit drained liquidity across all of Hundred Finance’s Gnosis Chain markets, resulting in a loss of the equivalent of around $6.4m USD in user funds (calculated using asset prices at the time of the attack).

(ends 10th May)

6.2 GIP-36: Should GnosisDAO fund BuidlGuidl 3 ETH per quarter?

The BuidlGuidl is a curated group of Ethereum builders creating prototypes and tutorials to enrich the ecosystem. They actively maintain scaffold-eth. Austin Griffith and BuidlGuidl can be a source of new talent for the Gnosis ecosystem. We can think of new quests to add, which might lead to new hires for Safe, CowSwap, or Gnosis Chain projects.

(ends 10th May)




1.1 ARC – Strategic Partnership with Balancer Part #2

Acquire 100,000 BAL tokens by deploying a Bonding Curve contract. The BAL tokens are to be held in the Reserve Factor until further details relating to Aura emerges and then the Aave community can determine if to deploy BAL to receive veBAL or auraBAL, [1].

(ends 11May)


2.1 Season 4 Project and Guild Funding

Per the Season 4 specification, Guild and Project funding requests were reviewed by the Grants Committee and were approved for a total of 22,015,570 Million BANK with 1.2 ETH.

Of this amount, 50% of project funding (6,681,754.5 BANK) will be held by the Grants Committee Multisig to disburse mid-season, based on KPIs, as per this forum proposal.

Additionally the Grants Committee was allocated 11.5M BANK, with 4.5M set aside for contributor rewards, 7M set aside for Project funding, and 400K set for GC Remuneration.

This proposal seeks to ratify the distribution of these budgeted allocations(between guilds and projects).

(ends 10th May)

  1. Curve Finance

3.1 Proposal to add XSTUSD-3CRV to the Gauge Controller

Proposal to add the XSTUSD/3CRV pool to the Gauge controller to enable users to assign a gauge weight and mint CRV.

Describe what this proposal is about

This proposal is aimed at adding XSTUSD-3CRV to the gauge controller.

This way XSTUSD, the algorithmic stablecoin of SORA and Polkadot & Kusama can play a more significant role on Curve and add value to it’s community.

(ends 6th May)

  1. dYdX

4.1 DRC: A Step Towards a More Equitable Liquidity Provider Reward Structure

Wintermute recently conducted research on the type of liquidity dYdX incentivizes for on its platform and its implications on reward distribution, LP competition, and the trading environment for users. We found that:

  • Liquidity provider rewards have been largely dominated by 2 addresses for a significant period of time
  • dYdX is overpaying for deep liquidity, while more active liquidity is being penalized, i.e., Liquidity providers are rewarded for their ability to show size, rather than compete for market share
  • Introducing maker volume into the calculation of rewards and reducing the weight on stkDYDX, depth & spread, will allow for a more equitable reward share
    -Rewarding maker volume will incentivize active liquidity at the top of the order book; tightening spreads and creating a better trading environment for users

(ends 7th May)


5.1 Strategic Partnership with Aave DAO

Aave DAO would like to present the Balancer community the opportunity to swap 200,000 BAL for AAVE. The price is to be determined by the 90-day moving average when an AIP is presented for voting via Aave’s governance process, [1].

(ends 6th May)

5.2 Whitelist the Aave Companies’ Gnosis Safe multisig for Balancer’s VoteEscrow

Whitelist the Aave Companies’ Gnosis Safe multisig, to vote-lock the B-80BAL-20WETH owned by the Aave Companies’ treasury into veBAL and participate in governance for the Balancer DAO.

(ends 6th May)

5.3 Whitelist Tracer DAO’s Treasury Management Fund in Balancer VotingEscrow

This proposal aims to whitelist Tracer DAO’s ‘Treasury Management Fund’ (TMF) in Balancer’s VotingEscrow contract to allow for the TMF to lock BAL (80/20 BAL/ETH) to participate in Balancer’s governance and direction of BAL emissions toward the Balancer ecosystem participants.

(ends 6th May)


6.1 Amendment to Limits on Solo Alchemical Channeling: 24 Hour Period to begin each day at 00:00 UTC as Opposed to Last Interaction

As specified in Gotchiverse Bible Chapter 3, solo gotchi channeling will work via a 24 hour cooldown timer that starts immediately after a gotchi channels at an altar. We propose that this be revised to a windowed 24 hour system that runs from 00:00 UTC to 23:59 UTC in which a gotchi can solo channel once, anytime within that 24 hour window.

(ends 7th May)

7.1 [PROPOSAL] DAO Treasury Infrastructure

The proposal suggests a treasury management infrastructure approach and states the required solutions from the platform point of view.

(ends 5th May)


8.1 TOUCAN VOTE: Should Shell issue POAPs to Mindmeld Live attendees?

This is an official vote to determine if Shell Protocol should issue POAPs to attendees of future Mindmeld Live community livestreams. Votes will be weighted at one-vote-per-toucan, based on a snapshot taken at the time the vote begins.

(ends 5th May)

9.Qi DAO

9.1 QIP094: Add Support for GLMR Lending

Manhattan Finance and top Moonbeam DEXs wish to create GLMR vault lending for MAI on Moonbeam. Vaults will allow users to mint MAI at a fixed interest rate against approved assets. This proposal seeks approval for GLMR.

(ends 6th May)

9.2 QIP095: Add Support for StellaSwap Lending

StellaSwap and Manhattan Finance wish to create vault lending for MAI on Moonbeam. Vaults will allow users to mint MAI at a fixed interest rate against approved assets. This proposal seeks approval for xSTELLA

(ends 6th May)




1.1 ARC – Strategic Partnership with Balancer Part #2

Acquire 100,000 BAL tokens by deploying a Bonding Curve contract. The BAL tokens are to be held in the Reserve Factor until further details relating to Aura emerges and then the Aave community can determine if to deploy BAL to receive veBAL or auraBAL, [1].

(ends 11May)



2.1 Season 4 Project and Guild Funding

Per the Season 4 specification, Guild and Project funding requests were reviewed by the Grants Committee and were approved for a total of 22,015,570 Million BANK with 1.2 ETH.

Of this amount, 50% of project funding (6,681,754.5 BANK) will be held by the Grants Committee Multisig to disburse mid-season, based on KPIs, as per this forum proposal.

Additionally the Grants Committee was allocated 11.5M BANK, with 4.5M set aside for contributor rewards, 7M set aside for Project funding, and 400K set for GC Remuneration.

This proposal seeks to ratify the distribution of these budgeted allocations(between guilds and projects).

(ends 10th May)


  1. Curve Finance

3.1 Proposal to add XSTUSD-3CRV to the Gauge Controller

Proposal to add the XSTUSD/3CRV pool to the Gauge controller to enable users to assign a gauge weight and mint CRV.

Describe what this proposal is about

This proposal is aimed at adding XSTUSD-3CRV to the gauge controller.

This way XSTUSD, the algorithmic stablecoin of SORA and Polkadot & Kusama can play a more significant role on Curve and add value to it’s community.

(ends 6th May)


  1. dYdX

4.1 DRC: A Step Towards a More Equitable Liquidity Provider Reward Structure

Wintermute recently conducted research on the type of liquidity dYdX incentivizes for on its platform and its implications on reward distribution, LP competition, and the trading environment for users. We found that:

  • Liquidity provider rewards have been largely dominated by 2 addresses for a significant period of time
  • dYdX is overpaying for deep liquidity, while more active liquidity is being penalized, i.e., Liquidity providers are rewarded for their ability to show size, rather than compete for market share
  • Introducing maker volume into the calculation of rewards and reducing the weight on stkDYDX, depth & spread, will allow for a more equitable reward share
    -Rewarding maker volume will incentivize active liquidity at the top of the order book; tightening spreads and creating a better trading environment for users

(ends 7th May)



5.1 Strategic Partnership with Aave DAO

Aave DAO would like to present the Balancer community the opportunity to swap 200,000 BAL for AAVE. The price is to be determined by the 90-day moving average when an AIP is presented for voting via Aave’s governance process, [1].

(ends 6th May)


5.2 Whitelist the Aave Companies’ Gnosis Safe multisig for Balancer’s VoteEscrow

Whitelist the Aave Companies’ Gnosis Safe multisig, to vote-lock the B-80BAL-20WETH owned by the Aave Companies’ treasury into veBAL and participate in governance for the Balancer DAO.

(ends 6th May)


5.3 Whitelist Tracer DAO’s Treasury Management Fund in Balancer VotingEscrow

This proposal aims to whitelist Tracer DAO’s ‘Treasury Management Fund’ (TMF) in Balancer’s VotingEscrow contract to allow for the TMF to lock BAL (80/20 BAL/ETH) to participate in Balancer’s governance and direction of BAL emissions toward the Balancer ecosystem participants.

(ends 6th May)



6.1 BIP 92: Digg Restructuring


This BIP makes 3 fundamentally important changes to DIGG tokenomics:

  • DIGG / BTC Exchange Rate: Transition to Free-Floating Exchange Rate
    • DIGG will be transitioned to a free-floating token and any peg to BTC will be driven completely by market forces.
    • All re-basing of DIGG will be stopped
    • Support for the wBTC/DIGG vault and all external LPs will end

(ends 4th May)



7.1 Amendment to Limits on Solo Alchemical Channeling: 24 Hour Period to begin each day at 00:00 UTC as Opposed to Last Interaction

As specified in Gotchiverse Bible Chapter 3, solo gotchi channeling will work via a 24 hour cooldown timer that starts immediately after a gotchi channels at an altar. We propose that this be revised to a windowed 24 hour system that runs from 00:00 UTC to 23:59 UTC in which a gotchi can solo channel once, anytime within that 24 hour window.

(ends 7th May)


8.1 [PROPOSAL] Adopting veTokenomic

The proposal defines overall GuruDAO tokenomic model, veTokenomic parameters and describes the value capture process.

(ends 3rd May)


8.2 [PROPOSAL] DAO Treasury Infrastructure

The proposal suggests a treasury management infrastructure approach and states the required solutions from the platform point of view.

(ends 5th May)



9.1 TOUCAN VOTE: Should Shell issue POAPs to Mindmeld Live attendees?

This is an official vote to determine if Shell Protocol should issue POAPs to attendees of future Mindmeld Live community livestreams. Votes will be weighted at one-vote-per-toucan, based on a snapshot taken at the time the vote begins.

(ends 5th May)

10.Qi DAO

10.1 QIP094: Add Support for GLMR Lending

Manhattan Finance and top Moonbeam DEXs wish to create GLMR vault lending for MAI on Moonbeam. Vaults will allow users to mint MAI at a fixed interest rate against approved assets. This proposal seeks approval for GLMR.

(ends 6th May)



QIP095: Add Support for StellaSwap Lending

StellaSwap and Manhattan Finance wish to create vault lending for MAI on Moonbeam. Vaults will allow users to mint MAI at a fixed interest rate against approved assets. This proposal seeks approval for xSTELLA

(ends 6th May)




1.1 aid to ukraine

Hello everyone, I live in Ukraine.

I want to help our people who are left without access to medicines, the money will go to buy them and distribute them for free.


(ends 29th May)


1.2 Make Syrup Pools Twice as long with Half the APR

I propose a vote to make the syrup pools last longer.

As you can see, once that GMT Syrup pool runs out we are going to be in a lot of trouble with not having any syrup pools. 23,000,000 CAKE is staked in that one Syrup Pool.

I purpose to make the Syrup Pools last 120 Days at half the current APR%. Make the Syrup Pools Pay out Slower.

We could even go as far as making them last 180Days and payout 66% slower.

(ends 28th April)


1.3 Idea for a game

This is a game where you choose one of three groups and deposit cakes into that group.

When the timer runs out:

The smallest group wins the jackpot!

Easy as pie

(ends 26th May)


1.4 İncrease the Apt for Flexible staking 19 percent can’t even beat inflation

increase the apy for flexible staking by reducing it to 19 percent you have made it infeasible to use flexible staking.

(ends 25th May)


1.5 Allow different staking periods across locked cake pool

This proposal is to request the option to be able to place different amounts of cake into locked staking for different periods.

for example,

being able to stake 1000 cake for 52 weeks

but consecutively be able to stake 500 cake for 25 weeks

and potentially have seperate amounts over the shorter periods aswell.

(ends 30th April)


1.6 Show Families the Power Within

I want my close peers, friends, and family to feel the power of cake. They can only roast me. No one but you few believe. Thank you.

Maybe CAKE-Squad can sponsor adverts. This is tastier than Tezos anyway, no?

(ends 30th May)



2.1 BanklessDAO Season 4 Specification

This proposal introduces a specification for Bankless DAO Season 4. If this proposal passes Snapshot, the following details will fall into place:

  • Season 4 will start on Monday, May 2, 2022
  • Season 4 will end on Friday, July 29th, 2022
  • Formal gap week will be on the week of August 1st, 2022.
  • Season 4 will not include a cap on Project and Guild funding, though the Grants Committee will review budgets
  • In Season 4, BanklessDAO will start supporting Gelato Vaults BANK/ETH liquidity ERC20 tokens for membership access
  • Projects will have access to flexible funding
  • Flexible Guild and Project budgets will be subject to increased accountability constraints
  • Guild and Project budgets greater than 100,000 BANK will be requested to use KPIs, milestones, and reporting
  • Projects funded through the Grants Committee will be subject to increased accountability requirements
  • The Governance Solutions Engineering Team (GSET) will have the flexibility to modify the Seasonal Specification throughout the Season
  • 11.5M $BANK allocated for the Grants Committee. 7M for inter-season funding and 4.5M for contributor rewards (Please note this is a correction to an error in the specification where it says the allocation for contributors rewards is 4M. However, it is 1.5M each month so the total is 4.5M)
  • Grants Committee compensation: 400K BANK
  • Ombuds Compensation: 222,000 BANK

(ends 28th April)


3.Proof of humanity

3.1 [Phase 3] [Binding] HIP-41: Allow verbal confirmation for registrating users

This would add the option to have a user, instead of holding a sign with their address, give a verbal confirmation of their public address. Either visual or verbal confirmation would be accepted.

(ends 29th April)



4.1 Enable OHM/ETH/DAI 50/25/25 Gauge [Ethereum]

Olympus DAO is a decentralized reserve currency protocol based on the OHM token. Each OHM token is backed by a basket of assets (e.g. UST, DAI, FRAX, wETH) in the Olympus treasury, giving it an intrinsic value. Olympus also introduces novel economic dynamics into the market through staking and bonding.

(ends 28th April)


4.2 DAO Multisig Signer Replacements

For those unaware, the DAO Multisig is composed of ten signers and is responsible for governance admin of Balancer’s Ethereum deployment. In addition, it controls BalancerDAO’s treasury assets across all chains where we have an economic interest – currently Fantom, Polygon, and Arbitrum.

(ends 28th April)


4.3 Enable FDT/WETH 80/20 Gauge [Ethereum]

The FIAT DAO community is proposing the following pools be given a veBAL gauge:

  • FIAT/staBAL3

Note that while the FDT/ETH pool has been set up already by the FIAT DAO community, the other pools, as they are nested pools, require deployment support from the Balancer team which is underway at the time of posting this proposal.

All pools should be deployed at the time, or shortly thereafter, when voting for this proposal starts ($FIAT launch is imminent). If need be, the two nested pools can be a separate proposal.

(ends 28th April)


4.4 Empower BalancerDAO to Add Approved Gauges to veBAL Voting

The launch of veBAL has introduced the gauge voting system where veBAL lockers determine BAL emissions by voting for specific pool gauges. A flow has been created on the forum to facilitate approval of new gauges with several votes already passing in just the first three weeks. This proposal aims to streamline this process by delegating the power to add approved gauges to the voting list to the Balancer DAO.

(ends 28th April)




1.1 Should five (5) total risk parameters across four (4) Aave V2 assets be updated?

This proposal is a batch update of risk parameters to align with the Moderate risk level chosen by the Aave community. These parameter updates are a continuation of Gauntlet’s regular parameter recommendations.

(ends 27th April)


2.1 aid to ukraine

Hello everyone, I live in Ukraine.

I want to help our people who are left without access to medicines, the money will go to buy them and distribute them for free.


(ends 29th May)


2.2Make Syrup Pools Twice as long with Half the APR

I propose a vote to make the syrup pools last longer.

As you can see, once that GMT Syrup pool runs out we are going to be in a lot of trouble with not having any syrup pools. 23,000,000 CAKE is staked in that one Syrup Pool.

I purpose to make the Syrup Pools last 120 Days at half the current APR%. Make the Syrup Pools Pay out Slower.

We could even go as far as making them last 180Days and payout 66% slower.

(ends 28th April)


2.3 Idea for a game

This is a game where you choose one of three groups and deposit cakes into that group.

When the timer runs out:

The smallest group wins the jackpot!

Easy as pie

(ends 26th May)


2.4 İncrease the Apt for Flexible staking 19 percent can’t even beat inflation

increase the apy for flexible staking by reducing it to 19 percent you have made it infeasible to use flexible staking.

(ends 25th May)


2.5 Allow different staking periods across locked cake pool

This proposal is to request the option to be able to place different amounts of cake into locked staking for different periods.

for example,

being able to stake 1000 cake for 52 weeks

but consecutively be able to stake 500 cake for 25 weeks

and potentially have seperate amounts over the shorter periods aswell.

(ends 30th April)


2.6 Show Families the Power Within

I want my close peers, friends, and family to feel the power of cake. They can only roast me. No one but you few believe. Thank you.

Maybe CAKE-Squad can sponsor adverts. This is tastier than Tezos anyway, no?

(ends 30th May)



3.1 S4 – Grants Committee Vacancy Election

Grendel recently stepped down from the grants committee and due to this the Grants Committee has a vacant seat.

This post is to take applicants to fill that position, based on the initialization spec(link).

The voting period will last one week, ending on 4/27/22.

(ends 27th April)

3.2 BanklessDAO Season 4 Specification

This proposal introduces a specification for Bankless DAO Season 4. If this proposal passes Snapshot, the following details will fall into place:

  • Season 4 will start on Monday, May 2, 2022
  • Season 4 will end on Friday, July 29th, 2022
  • Formal gap week will be on the week of August 1st, 2022.
  • Season 4 will not include a cap on Project and Guild funding, though the Grants Committee will review budgets
  • In Season 4, BanklessDAO will start supporting Gelato Vaults BANK/ETH liquidity ERC20 tokens for membership access
  • Projects will have access to flexible funding
  • Flexible Guild and Project budgets will be subject to increased accountability constraints
  • Guild and Project budgets greater than 100,000 BANK will be requested to use KPIs, milestones, and reporting
  • Projects funded through the Grants Committee will be subject to increased accountability requirements
  • The Governance Solutions Engineering Team (GSET) will have the flexibility to modify the Seasonal Specification throughout the Season
  • 11.5M $BANK allocated for the Grants Committee. 7M for inter-season funding and 4.5M for contributor rewards (Please note this is a correction to an error in the specification where it says the allocation for contributors rewards is 4M. However, it is 1.5M each month so the total is 4.5M)
  • Grants Committee compensation: 400K BANK
  • Ombuds Compensation: 222,000 BANK

(ends 28th April)


4.Proof of humanity

4.1 [Phase 3] [Binding] HIP-41: Allow verbal confirmation for registrating users

This would add the option to have a user, instead of holding a sign with their address, give a verbal confirmation of their public address. Either visual or verbal confirmation would be accepted.

(ends 29th April)



5.1 Enable OHM/ETH/DAI 50/25/25 Gauge [Ethereum]

Olympus DAO is a decentralized reserve currency protocol based on the OHM token. Each OHM token is backed by a basket of assets (e.g. UST, DAI, FRAX, wETH) in the Olympus treasury, giving it an intrinsic value. Olympus also introduces novel economic dynamics into the market through staking and bonding.

(ends 28th April)


5.2 DAO Multisig Signer Replacements

For those unaware, the DAO Multisig is composed of ten signers and is responsible for governance admin of Balancer’s Ethereum deployment. In addition, it controls BalancerDAO’s treasury assets across all chains where we have an economic interest – currently Fantom, Polygon, and Arbitrum.

(ends 28th April)


5.3 Enable FDT/WETH 80/20 Gauge [Ethereum]

The FIAT DAO community is proposing the following pools be given a veBAL gauge:

  • FIAT/staBAL3

Note that while the FDT/ETH pool has been set up already by the FIAT DAO community, the other pools, as they are nested pools, require deployment support from the Balancer team which is underway at the time of posting this proposal.

All pools should be deployed at the time, or shortly thereafter, when voting for this proposal starts ($FIAT launch is imminent). If need be, the two nested pools can be a separate proposal.

(ends 28th April)


5.4 Empower BalancerDAO to Add Approved Gauges to veBAL Voting

The launch of veBAL has introduced the gauge voting system where veBAL lockers determine BAL emissions by voting for specific pool gauges. A flow has been created on the forum to facilitate approval of new gauges with several votes already passing in just the first three weeks. This proposal aims to streamline this process by delegating the power to add approved gauges to the voting list to the Balancer DAO.

(ends 28th April)




1.1 DRC: Increase Fee Weight Parameter

We at Xenophon Labs recently conducted research on the trader rewards mechanism. Among our findings were the following:

  1. Incentivizing open interest through the trader rewards formula has not shown a noticeable impact on long-term growth of the protocol.
  2. There is evidence that total fees paid by takers will change proportionally with a change in the fee weight parameter; for instance, an increase of 10% of the fee weight parameter is expected to lead to an increase of 10% in the total fees paid by takers.

(ends 23rd April)


2.1 Distribute protocol fees in BAL where appropriate

As part of the veBAL tokenomics upgrade 75% of protocol revenues are to be paid out to veBAL holders in bb-a-USD. An undesirable side effect of this is the protocol liquidating a significant amount of BAL tokens collected as fees. This proposal suggests that these BAL tokens should be paid out to veBAL holders directly on top of the 10% of BAL emissions they receive.

(ends 22nd April)



3.1 Schedule Land Auction/Raffle #3 For June

This proposal is synthesized from community feedback over the last few weeks and attempts to balance the following: NFT dilution; an auction/raffle feeling too rushed; inadequate available GHST liquidity; concern for the funding of Rarity Farming Season 4; capitalizing on the momentum and marketing of the full game release. A June Auction will allow >2 weeks of Citaadel gameplay and will allow sufficient time for marketing and business development efforts to capture maximum investment. There is an adequate Gotchiverse Rewards Pool after the first two land auctions, and this sale will help fund RFS4 and perhaps even some of Season 5.

(ends 26th April)

4.Mutant Cats DAO

4.1 Should we sell 10 MAYC?

The reasoning is easy, MAYC are really high in price right now and can potentially go a bit higher in the next 2/3 days. We would like to sell 10 of them to finally capitalize on our profits and sit on the rest of our collection for free

(ends 21st April)

  1. CityDAO

5.1 CityDAO Charter and Operating Agreement

We are proud to annouce that the CityDAO Charter and Operating Agreement are ready to be ratified by the citizens.

The purpose of the Charter is to provide clarity on our mission and values, rules of cooperation, organizational structure, governance, distributed authority and rules of coordination. The purpose of the Operating Agreement is to establish CityDAO as an algorithmically-managed DAO LLC under Wyoming State law.

(ends 23rd April)



6.1 GIP-31: Should Gnosis Chain perform a Hardfork to upgrade the token contract vulnerable to the reentrancy attack?

The hard fork assumes to update Gnosis Chain spec file (explicitly or through node upgrading with the new internal spec) on all nodes and upgrade the nodes themselves to the new version supporting dao-like hard forks.

(ends 24th April)


6.2 GIP-33: Send vested COW tokens to daughter Safe for treasury management

Should Gnosis DAO send vested COW tokens to daughter Safe for treasury management?

(ends 21st April)


7.1 [SCP-75] Establishing and funding the Marketing/Growth & Globalization Workstream

This proposal establishes and funds the Marketing, Growth and Globalization workstream, which will focus on the creation, implementation, and optimization of marketing and growth campaigns/initiatives for the ShapeShift DAO. This workstream creation includes the designation of Toasty, Hunt, and Lindsaylou as collaborative workstream leaders. The proposal will furthermore fund the inclusion of the following additional members: 6 current part/full-time marketing contributors, 6 current part/full-time LatAm contributors, 5 globalization contributors, and 3 contributors engaging in the development and deployment of the ShapeShift DAO Education project.

(ends 21st April)


7.2 [SCP-71] Proposal to Create the KeepKey Workstream

This proposal establishes and funds a new KeepKey workstream, and elects @Pasta Ghost and @Matt Highlander as workstream leaders. The workstream will utilize a hybrid funding strategy, with 50% of the funding being contributed by KeepKey, and 50% of the funding being contributed by the ShapeShift DAO. The primary efforts of the workstream will be directed toward building applications to support KeepKey users as well as the ongoing maintenance of the KeepKey integrations in existing ShapeShift products. Revenues from KeepKey device sales will be shared equally with the ShapeShift DAO for the period of this workstream.

(ends 21st April)


8.1 [EP11] [Executable] End the $ENS and EP2 airdrops

The $ENS airdrop can be terminated at any time on or after May 4, 2022 by a call from the DAO, transferring remaining tokens to an address it specifies. The EP2 airdrop can be terminated at any time by revoking the token approval given to it by the DAO. This EP proposes to execute both of these actions on or shortly after May 4, 2022.

(ends 26th April)


9.1 Kanpai Part 2: SushiMaker Treasury Payout Ratio [Implementation]


The Treasury’s current near 100% SUSHI allocation could prove to be risky in the event a prolonged bear market occurs, so the Treasury is in need of expanding its ongoing diversification efforts. By diverting a portion of the fees to the Treasury, this would give Sushi enough revenue every year to cover operational expenses and also an ample surplus to invest in low-risk assets to further diversify the Treasury and bring in non-operating income (e.g. by yield farming, providing liquidity on SushiSwap, staking ETH).

(ends 25th April)

9.2 Kanpai Part 1: SushiMaker Treasury Payout Ratio [Implementation]


The Treasury’s current near 100% SUSHI allocation could prove to be risky in the event a prolonged bear market occurs, so the Treasury is in need of expanding its ongoing diversification efforts. By diverting a portion of the fees to the Treasury, this would give Sushi enough revenue every year to cover operational expenses and also an ample surplus to invest in low-risk assets to further diversify the Treasury and bring in non-operating income (e.g. by yield farming, providing liquidity on SushiSwap, staking ETH).

(ends 26th April)


9.3 Let’s Get $TOKE [Implementation]


Stake $TOKE → Allocate votes to reactors (Weekly voting required) → Direct liquidity to Sushiswap → More fees earned by Sushi & xSushi holders

(ends 25th April)




1.1 OIP – 92 : Whitelist FEI as a treasury Reserve asset

Whitelist FEI as our next reserve asset to be accumulated through treasury rebalancing or bonds.

(ends 20th April)



2.1 DRC: Increase Fee Weight Parameter

We at Xenophon Labs recently conducted research on the trader rewards mechanism. Among our findings were the following:

  1. Incentivizing open interest through the trader rewards formula has not shown a noticeable impact on long-term growth of the protocol.
  2. There is evidence that total fees paid by takers will change proportionally with a change in the fee weight parameter; for instance, an increase of 10% of the fee weight parameter is expected to lead to an increase of 10% in the total fees paid by takers.

(ends 23rd April)


3.1 Distribute protocol fees in BAL where appropriate

As part of the veBAL tokenomics upgrade 75% of protocol revenues are to be paid out to veBAL holders in bb-a-USD. An undesirable side effect of this is the protocol liquidating a significant amount of BAL tokens collected as fees. This proposal suggests that these BAL tokens should be paid out to veBAL holders directly on top of the 10% of BAL emissions they receive.

(ends 22nd April)


4.1 Schedule Land Auction/Raffle #3 For June

This proposal is synthesized from community feedback over the last few weeks and attempts to balance the following: NFT dilution; an auction/raffle feeling too rushed; inadequate available GHST liquidity; concern for the funding of Rarity Farming Season 4; capitalizing on the momentum and marketing of the full game release. A June Auction will allow >2 weeks of Citaadel gameplay and will allow sufficient time for marketing and business development efforts to capture maximum investment. There is an adequate Gotchiverse Rewards Pool after the first two land auctions, and this sale will help fund RFS4 and perhaps even some of Season 5.

(ends 26th April)

5.Mutant Cats DAO

5.1 Should we sell 10 MAYC?

The reasoning is easy, MAYC are really high in price right now and can potentially go a bit higher in the next 2/3 days. We would like to sell 10 of them to finally capitalize on our profits and sit on the rest of our collection for free

(ends 21st April)


  1. GuruDAO

6.1 The proposal defines the process of sub-DAO creation and funding, as well as the sub-DAO’s place in the GuruDAO organizational structure.

(ends 20th April)


  1. CityDAO

7.1 CityDAO Charter and Operating Agreement

We are proud to annouce that the CityDAO Charter and Operating Agreement are ready to be ratified by the citizens.

The purpose of the Charter is to provide clarity on our mission and values, rules of cooperation, organizational structure, governance, distributed authority and rules of coordination. The purpose of the Operating Agreement is to establish CityDAO as an algorithmically-managed DAO LLC under Wyoming State law.

(ends 23rd April)


8.1 GIP-31: Should Gnosis Chain perform a Hardfork to upgrade the token contract vulnerable to the reentrancy attack?

The hard fork assumes to update Gnosis Chain spec file (explicitly or through node upgrading with the new internal spec) on all nodes and upgrade the nodes themselves to the new version supporting dao-like hard forks.

(ends 24th April)


8.2 GIP-33: Send vested COW tokens to daughter Safe for treasury management

Should Gnosis DAO send vested COW tokens to daughter Safe for treasury management?

(ends 21st April)



9.1 [SCP-75] Establishing and funding the Marketing/Growth & Globalization Workstream

This proposal establishes and funds the Marketing, Growth and Globalization workstream, which will focus on the creation, implementation, and optimization of marketing and growth campaigns/initiatives for the ShapeShift DAO. This workstream creation includes the designation of Toasty, Hunt, and Lindsaylou as collaborative workstream leaders. The proposal will furthermore fund the inclusion of the following additional members: 6 current part/full-time marketing contributors, 6 current part/full-time LatAm contributors, 5 globalization contributors, and 3 contributors engaging in the development and deployment of the ShapeShift DAO Education project.

(ends 21st April)


9.2 [SCP-71] Proposal to Create the KeepKey Workstream

This proposal establishes and funds a new KeepKey workstream, and elects @Pasta Ghost and @Matt Highlander as workstream leaders. The workstream will utilize a hybrid funding strategy, with 50% of the funding being contributed by KeepKey, and 50% of the funding being contributed by the ShapeShift DAO. The primary efforts of the workstream will be directed toward building applications to support KeepKey users as well as the ongoing maintenance of the KeepKey integrations in existing ShapeShift products. Revenues from KeepKey device sales will be shared equally with the ShapeShift DAO for the period of this workstream.

(ends 21st April)



10.1 Whitelist Lyra with 100K BNT Trading liquidity Limit


  • Proposal to whitelist LYRA
  • Proposed trading liquidity limit is 100,000 BNT.
  • There are no apparent security concerns that would prohibit whitelist status.
  • There is no reason to doubt the legitimacy of the Lyra Finance project.
  • The benefit to Bancor is clear. Further integrations once LYRA is whitelisted can be pursued as well.

(ends 20th April)



  1. Gitcoin

1.1 Partnership & Mutual Grant with Wonder

This proposal, if passed, would issue 50,000 GTC for governance rights equating to 1,500,000 $WONDER tokens (1.5% of total supply) when Wonder’s token is live.

In addition, upon launch, 1% of Wonder’s treasury will be used for QF rounds via Gitcoin Aqueduct 2, to fund projects that are on or will be started on Wonder.

The purpose of this alliance is to solidify the partnership between Gitcoin and Wonder where we can work together to enable DAOs to succeed.

(ends 15th April)


2.1 ARC – Update Risk Parameters Mainnet Arc Market

The risk parameters on the mainnet Arc market are currently not being maintained and are more conservative than those belonging to the same asset on mainnet V2 market. This proposal recommends updating the mainnet Arc market LTV parameter to match the LiquidationThreshold of the same asset listed on mainnet V2 market.

We intend to re-propose a quarterly update of the risk parameters for the mainnet Arc market quarterly in an attempt to keep both markets in sync with mainnet V2 market, or mainnet V3 once live.

(ends 14th April)

2.2 ARC – Strategic Investment BAL Token

Acquire 200,000 BAL tokens via a combination of performing a BAL for AAVE token swap. The BAL tokens are to be complemented with ETH and deposited into the 80/20 BAL/ETH pool. The BPT token is deposited into the veBAL contract and locked for 1 year. The veBAL holding is then used to direct incentives to new aToken Boosted Pools, [1].

(ends 14th April)


3.1 OIP-91: Olympus Governance Council

Establish an Olympus Governance Council (OGC), which is primarily responsible for facilitating off-chain processes. Examples of off-chain processes include establishing strategic vision, coordinating working groups to execute on community-approved initiatives, and proposing strategic initiatives to the community via OIP.

It is important to emphasize that the ultimate authority of the protocol and its functions are Olympus token holders. The OGC will exist in an advisory capacity and will prioritize on-chain governance to further decentralize the Olympus protocol.

(ends 16th April)


4.1 Lottery Issues

Checking past lottery results its becoming widely apparent that Match 5 and Match 6 are hardly ever won.. i checked the last 20 draws and there were only 2 instances where Match 5 had been achieve and there were no Match 6.. Match 4 is also a rarity with this only being achieved by 20 tickets across 20 Draws (However 4 Draws achieved 11 of these tickets) so thats only 13 draws out of 20 where a Match 4 was achieved.

(ends 11th May)

4.2 NFT Lottery

Create a Lottery similar to the cake lottery, but instead of cake there’s a prize pool of NFT’s. say 10 nets to be won and the top prize is a big project nft. you can have standard lotteries and once a month a huge lottery with a Bayc or something similar. And to ensure value to Cake holders and the project, draws can be based on tickets not time, so once the amount of tickets are sold that recovers the prizes and a small extra percentage going to cake’s further development.

(ends 30th June)

4.4 ADA Syrup Poll

Need To Add ADA for Syrup Pool

(ends 18th April)

5.Proof of humanity

5.1 [Phase-3] [Binding] HIP-40: Clarification of image rules

Current rules are not clear among many aspects. Right now, black and white images are not allowed in the registry, but rules do not say so explicitly. Also, a few days ago, many profiles with 90-degrees rotated images were rejected from the registry. I believe most of us agree that those type of images shouldn’t be allowed, but it’s not fair that rules are not crystal clear among those topics. Also, images don’t have a max file size or a min resolution declared in the policies.

(ends 14th April)6.Curve Finance

6.1 Create dark mode for main Curve UI

Create dark mode for main Curve UI


7.1 Start Land Auction/Raffle 3 before end of playdrop.

Launch is very soon so we need to decide if we are honoring that.

This will give new players a chance to participate as well as learn about how the deeper ecosystem works.

Scholars will buy tickets and save them, instead of selling alchemica to cash out.

It’s been twice as long between raffles as we have ever gone, and there is GHST inflation due to leverage loops created by various DAPPS, so we need to release a raffle before the tickets become too devalued.

(ends 15th April)


8.1 PSP-IPΔ18-1 – Liquidity Mining and Protocol-Owned Liquidity Strategy – Ethereum Mainnet

The aim of this proposal is to renew rewards for Liquidity Mining pools in the Ethereum Network. Additionally, this proposal re-allocates some of the PSP towards supporting Protocol-Owned Liquidity bonding program, supporting ParaSwap’s aim to transition towards fully protocol-owned liquidity, and to make bonds a more competitive option compared to liquidity farming.

(ends 14th April)

8.2 PSP-IPΔ18-2 – Liquidity Mining and Protocol-Owned Liquidity Strategy – Polygon (MATIC)

The aim of this proposal is to renew rewards for Liquidity Mining pools in the Ethereum Network. Additionally, this proposal re-allocates some of the PSP towards supporting Protocol-Owned Liquidity bonding programme, supporting ParaSwap’s aim to transition towards fully protocol-owned liquidity, and to make bonds a more competitive option compared to liquidity farming.

(ends 14th April)




1.1 Ratify the Results of Grants Round 13 and Formally Request the Community Multisig to Payout Matching Allocations

We ask our Community Stewards to ratify the GR13 payout amounts as being correct, fair, and abiding to community norms, including the judgments and sanctions made by the Fraud Detection & Defense workstream.

(ends 12th April)

1.2 Partnership & Mutual Grant with Wonder

This proposal, if passed, would issue 50,000 GTC for governance rights equating to 1,500,000 $WONDER tokens (1.5% of total supply) when Wonder’s token is live.

In addition, upon launch, 1% of Wonder’s treasury will be used for QF rounds via Gitcoin Aqueduct 2, to fund projects that are on or will be started on Wonder.

The purpose of this alliance is to solidify the partnership between Gitcoin and Wonder where we can work together to enable DAOs to succeed.

(ends 15th April)


2.1 ARC – Update Risk Parameters Mainnet Arc Market

The risk parameters on the mainnet Arc market are currently not being maintained and are more conservative than those belonging to the same asset on mainnet V2 market. This proposal recommends updating the mainnet Arc market LTV parameter to match the LiquidationThreshold of the same asset listed on mainnet V2 market.

We intend to re-propose a quarterly update of the risk parameters for the mainnet Arc market quarterly in an attempt to keep both markets in sync with mainnet V2 market, or mainnet V3 once live.

(ends 14th April)

2.2 ARC – Strategic Investment BAL Token

Acquire 200,000 BAL tokens via a combination of performing a BAL for AAVE token swap. The BAL tokens are to be complemented with ETH and deposited into the 80/20 BAL/ETH pool. The BPT token is deposited into the veBAL contract and locked for 1 year. The veBAL holding is then used to direct incentives to new aToken Boosted Pools, [1].

(ends 14th April)


3.1 OIP-91: Olympus Governance Council

Establish an Olympus Governance Council (OGC), which is primarily responsible for facilitating off-chain processes. Examples of off-chain processes include establishing strategic vision, coordinating working groups to execute on community-approved initiatives, and proposing strategic initiatives to the community via OIP.

It is important to emphasize that the ultimate authority of the protocol and its functions are Olympus token holders. The OGC will exist in an advisory capacity and will prioritize on-chain governance to further decentralize the Olympus protocol.

(ends 16th April)


4.1 Proposal for Adjustments to Farm Rewards

One thing that is always unclear to people when reviewing these proposals is that we aren’t “removing” rewards from the farm itself.

The purpose is to redirect CAKE rewards given to farms that are underperforming and give them to farms that are providing the most value.

(ends 13th April)

4.2 Lottery Issues

Checking past lottery results its becoming widely apparent that Match 5 and Match 6 are hardly ever won.. i checked the last 20 draws and there were only 2 instances where Match 5 had been achieve and there were no Match 6.. Match 4 is also a rarity with this only being achieved by 20 tickets across 20 Draws (However 4 Draws achieved 11 of these tickets) so thats only 13 draws out of 20 where a Match 4 was achieved.

(ends 11th May)

4.3 NFT Lottery

Create a Lottery similar to the cake lottery, but instead of cake there’s a prize pool of NFT’s. say 10 nets to be won and the top prize is a big project nft. you can have standard lotteries and once a month a huge lottery with a Bayc or something similar. And to ensure value to Cake holders and the project, draws can be based on tickets not time, so once the amount of tickets are sold that recovers the prizes and a small extra percentage going to cake’s further development.

(ends 30th June)

4.4 ADA Syrup Poll

Need To Add ADA for Syrup Pool

(ends 18th April)

5.Proof of humanity

5.1 [Phase-3] [Binding] HIP-40: Clarification of image rules

Current rules are not clear among many aspects. Right now, black and white images are not allowed in the registry, but rules do not say so explicitly. Also, a few days ago, many profiles with 90-degrees rotated images were rejected from the registry. I believe most of us agree that those type of images shouldn’t be allowed, but it’s not fair that rules are not crystal clear among those topics. Also, images don’t have a max file size or a min resolution declared in the policies.

(ends 14th April)

6.Curve Finance

6.1 Create dark mode for main Curve UI

Create dark mode for main Curve UI


7.1 Start Land Auction/Raffle 3 before end of playdrop.

Launch is very soon so we need to decide if we are honoring that.

This will give new players a chance to participate as well as learn about how the deeper ecosystem works.

Scholars will buy tickets and save them, instead of selling alchemica to cash out.

It’s been twice as long between raffles as we have ever gone, and there is GHST inflation due to leverage loops created by various DAPPS, so we need to release a raffle before the tickets become too devalued.

(ends 15th April)


8.1 PSP-IPΔ18-1 – Liquidity Mining and Protocol-Owned Liquidity Strategy – Ethereum Mainnet

The aim of this proposal is to renew rewards for Liquidity Mining pools in the Ethereum Network. Additionally, this proposal re-allocates some of the PSP towards supporting Protocol-Owned Liquidity bonding program, supporting ParaSwap’s aim to transition towards fully protocol-owned liquidity, and to make bonds a more competitive option compared to liquidity farming.

(ends 14th April)

8.2 PSP-IPΔ18-2 – Liquidity Mining and Protocol-Owned Liquidity Strategy – Polygon (MATIC)

The aim of this proposal is to renew rewards for Liquidity Mining pools in the Ethereum Network. Additionally, this proposal re-allocates some of the PSP towards supporting Protocol-Owned Liquidity bonding programme, supporting ParaSwap’s aim to transition towards fully protocol-owned liquidity, and to make bonds a more competitive option compared to liquidity farming.

(ends 14th April)




1.1 Aave <> BGD Labs. Request for Approval

As described on the Aave governance forum HERE, BGD Labs has presented a proposal to provide development services to the Aave ecosystem, on the terms presented on the forum.

We create this preliminary (off-chain) Snapshot vote, in order to get approval from the community on the outlined proposal.

(ends 11th April)


1.2Add stMATIC to Aave V3 Polygon Market

This is a proposal to add stMATIC to the Polygon v3 market.

Aave governance recently added stETH to the Ethereum v2 market with great success, having a market size of $1.43 billion. The stMATIC token is similar but differs in one important aspect. Instead of being a rebasing token like stETH, it simply becomes more expensive over time relative to MATIC as it accrues yield.

Since Aave governance enjoyed stETH, I would venture to guess they will like stMATIC as well.

(ends 7th April)



2.1 Sushi Legal Structure [Signal]

Sushi is seeking input from the community on the formation of an association or foundation in order to mitigate future risks. This will help us provide legal clarity, limit liability, and create an apparatus to manage administrative issues for Sushi with regards for all token holders and contributors.

(ends 8th April)



3.1 [Consensus Check] Deploy Uniswap V3 on Moonbeam

In support of furthering the vision of Multichain Uniswap, we propose that the Uniswap community vote to authorize the deployment of Uniswap V3 to Moonbeam. We hope this proposal will serve as an example to create a generalizable, trust-minimized approach to cross-chain deployments, with the goal of supporting a multichain Uniswap ecosystem.

Moonbeam is a Polkadot parachain which features EVM-compatibility, allowing it to serve as a port-of-entry for Ethereum-native apps to participate in the greater Polkadot ecosystem. Deploying on Moonbeam will expand the Uniswap community to include users of the Polkadot ecosystem, helping Uniswap on its journey to become a leading product in the multichain world.

Moonbeam is a reputable chain which has enjoyed high stability and considerable activity since its launch in January, making it a great fit for Uniswap’s trusted brand.

(ends 8th April)


  1. OlympusDAO

4.1 OIP-88: KlimaDAO Love Letter

KlimaDAO is about to launch a Love Letter to the Planet campaign, and we want to invite you to be a part of it. This campaign publicizes the launch of the Klima retirement aggregator which allows individuals and organizations to offset their carbon footprint on the Polygon network.

(ends 7th April)


  1. CityDAO

6.1 CIP – 44 | Formation of the Events Guild

With expansion and membership growth being key factors in the future development of CityDAO, the Events Guild strives to create a professional presence at crypto events for the community. By creating this presence, CityDAO can further communicate with other potentially beneficial communities as well as attract top minds into CityDAO.

(ends 10th April)


6.2 CityDAO Guilds Initiation

As CityDAO Closes in on further decentralisation and autonomy, we are proud to announce the completion of the “core guild” structure. These are the guilds the CityDAO Council deemed to be necessary for our next few seasons in CityDAO.

The proposal includes a total of 11 guilds and their facilitators, and is put in place to create a decentralised and autonomous structure in CityDAO so we can take more workload on and execute faster on projects. Each guild has a full-time facilitator and some have part time also !

(ends 10th April)


6.3 Parcel 0 Quantity

Parcel 0 launch has been announced and taking place at the end of April.

Majority of details have been finalised, however we still have a CIP regarding the number of parcels to exist in the drop.

(ends 9th April)


  1. Pancake Swap

7.1 SOL-BNB Farm

Make SOL-BNB Farm available.

(ends 30th April)



8.1 GIP-32: Reimburse expenditures to the Gnosis Chain Core Development Unit (formerly xDai Chain team)

GIP-32 requests reimbursement of infrastructure and marketing-related expenditures to the Gnosis Chain Core Development Unit (formerly xDai Chain team) for the period spanning the token merge (GIP-16 implementation) through March 1st, 2022.

(ends 13th April)




1.1 Aave <> BGD Labs. Request for Approval

As described on the Aave governance forum HERE, BGD Labs has presented a proposal to provide development services to the Aave ecosystem, on the terms presented on the forum.

We create this preliminary (off-chain) Snapshot vote, in order to get approval from the community on the outlined proposal.

(ends 11th April)

1.2Add stMATIC to Aave V3 Polygon Market

This is a proposal to add stMATIC to the Polygon v3 market.

Aave governance recently added stETH to the Ethereum v2 market with great success, having a market size of $1.43 billion. The stMATIC token is similar but differs in one important aspect. Instead of being a rebasing token like stETH, it simply becomes more expensive over time relative to MATIC as it accrues yield.

Since Aave governance enjoyed stETH, I would venture to guess they will like stMATIC as well.

(ends 7th April)


1.3 Should six (6) total risk parameters across three (3) Aave V2 assets be updated?

A proposal to adjust six (6) total risk parameters including LTV, Liquidation Threshold, and Liquidation Bonus across three (3) Aave V2 assets. In addition, Gauntlet recommends freezing legacy KNC.

(ends 6th April)


2.1 Sushi Legal Structure [Signal]

Sushi is seeking input from the community on the formation of an association or foundation in order to mitigate future risks. This will help us provide legal clarity, limit liability, and create an apparatus to manage administrative issues for Sushi with regards for all token holders and contributors.

(ends 8th April)


3.1 [Consensus Check] Deploy Uniswap V3 on Moonbeam

In support of furthering the vision of Multichain Uniswap, we propose that the Uniswap community vote to authorize the deployment of Uniswap V3 to Moonbeam. We hope this proposal will serve as an example to create a generalizable, trust-minimized approach to cross-chain deployments, with the goal of supporting a multichain Uniswap ecosystem.

Moonbeam is a Polkadot parachain which features EVM-compatibility, allowing it to serve as a port-of-entry for Ethereum-native apps to participate in the greater Polkadot ecosystem. Deploying on Moonbeam will expand the Uniswap community to include users of the Polkadot ecosystem, helping Uniswap on its journey to become a leading product in the multichain world.

Moonbeam is a reputable chain which has enjoyed high stability and considerable activity since its launch in January, making it a great fit for Uniswap’s trusted brand.

(ends 8th April)


  1. OlympusDAO

4.1 OIP-88: KlimaDAO Love Letter

KlimaDAO is about to launch a Love Letter to the Planet campaign, and we want to invite you to be a part of it. This campaign publicizes the launch of the Klima retirement aggregator which allows individuals and organizations to offset their carbon footprint on the Polygon network.

(ends 7th April)

5.Curve Finance

5.1 Add a new base pool implementation as an alternative to 3Pool (DAI/USDC/USDT)

(ends 5th April)

  1. CityDAO

6.1 CIP – 44 | Formation of the Events Guild

With expansion and membership growth being key factors in the future development of CityDAO, the Events Guild strives to create a professional presence at crypto events for the community. By creating this presence, CityDAO can further communicate with other potentially beneficial communities as well as attract top minds into CityDAO.

(ends 10th April)

6.2 CityDAO Guilds Initiation

As CityDAO Closes in on further decentralisation and autonomy, we are proud to announce the completion of the “core guild” structure. These are the guilds the CityDAO Council deemed to be necessary for our next few seasons in CityDAO.

The proposal includes a total of 11 guilds and their facilitators, and is put in place to create a decentralised and autonomous structure in CityDAO so we can take more workload on and execute faster on projects. Each guild has a full-time facilitator and some have part time also !

(ends 10th April)

6.3 Parcel 0 Quantity

Parcel 0 launch has been announced and taking place at the end of April.

Majority of details have been finalised, however we still have a CIP regarding the number of parcels to exist in the drop.

(ends 9th April)

7.Developer DAO

7.1 P-12: Formalize External Proposals Delegate Process

D_D is being entrusted to participate in external DAO proposals, whereby it will represent the interests of members belonging to those external DAOs. If D_D positions itself to be nominated as a delegate in external DAOs, it is our responsibility to be present and participate.

External DAO proposals surface often and sometimes with limited time to participate. As such, a process should be formalized that facilitates the formation and maintenance of delegate committees that can be entrusted to make an election on behalf of the D_D community in a timely manner.

(ends 5th April)


7.2 P-11: Request Advisor Allocation of 0.45% To Ryan Coordinator

This proposal requests an advisor allocation of 0.45% $CODE to be granted to Ryan Coordinator for his early advisor contributions. First, Ryan led the Gitcoin partnership conversation on both sides. Second, Ryan has led the legal entity setup of the DAO.

Upon passing, Ryan will be ineligible for Early Contributor Rewards resulting in any Coordinape votes being removed.

(ends 5th April)




1.1 Add MAI to Aave V3 on Polygon, Fantom, and Avalanche

MAI is the first and largest stablecoin project on Polygon and Fantom. It is an overcollateralized stablecoin that is non-custodial. All MAI is backed by collateral locked in user-managed vaults. MAI minting is available on 8 chains, and bridging to 18 chains.

All accepted collaterals are priced using Chainlink price feeds. MAI has stayed within its peg through several market downturns.

There’s around 250M MAI minted, with liquidity on all top DEXs in which MAI is present. A significant portion of liquidity for MAI is on Curve. MAI hosts the largest pool on Curve Polygon and the pool with most volume on Curve Fantom.

(ends 1stApril)


2.1 Enter the Stargate [Signal]


Implement Stargate Omnichain native asset bridge into Sushi to allow for Omnichain Token Swaps.

(ends 4th April)


3.1 Make $Cake multichain dapp.

I feel is time we expand to other chains make something like stargate is building. We have liquidity and we have users. PCS can become much more than is currently, a BRIDGE and farming on other chains will be very beneficial for long term longevity. Also an ERC 20 $cake would help ethereum whales buy into it on their own chain.

(ends 27thApril)

3.2 Create a stable coin backed by cake burning

create a stable coin cusd which is backed by burning and minting cake

(ends 26th April)

3.3 take pancake swap to jupiter

In your exchange or in cake token make it a project of web 3.0 either as decentralized file storage platform, content sharing, media sharing etc, as there is paradime shift coming for sure till next bitcoin halving, work on it and make a solid use case of pancake native token beside staking and ifo offering etc.

(ends 24th October)



4.1 TAP-9 Rocket Pool Whitelist

Summary: Seek authority from the community to whitelist Rocket Pool for staking of idle ETH reserve.

(ends 31st March)


  1. Decentraland

5.1 Should Events announcements be limited to 1 day or less at a time to be considered “Happening now”??

Should we continue to let event organizers hog the top slots of the Events page or should there be additional limits set to how long an event can be happening “now”?

(ends 3rd April)

5.2 A Strategy to improve the relationship between MakerDAO and MANA.

This document details a tested strategy that will help the DAO secure the position of MANA in the MakerDAO ecosystem. It will do so by increasing the collateralized MANA in Maker protocol and increasing the liquidity volumes in decentralized exchanges (DEXs).

(ends 2nd April)

5.3 Establish a Formal Process for Adding/Removing DAO Committee Members

The DAO needs a clear process for removing and adding DAO Committee members. This proposal is a Draft Proposal outlining such a process for community consideration.

(ends 4th April)

5.4 Decentraland teach and promote for Portuguese and English speaking community

I have a community on Telegram focused to teach portuguese speakers how to get in Decentraland and know this amazing world. I’m moderator of ZERO2HERO streamer too, helping people in there to make they projects come true.

(ends 31st March)


  1. Proof of humanity

6.1 [Signaling][Phase 2]: HIP-41: Allow verbal confirmation for registrating users

This would add the option to have a user, instead of holding a sign with their address, give a verbal confirmation of their public address. Either visual or verbal confirmation would be accepted.

(ends 31st March)



7.1 [Temperature Check] Deploy Uniswap V3 on Moonbeam

In support of furthering the vision of Multichain Uniswap, we propose that the Uniswap community vote to authorize the deployment of Uniswap V3 to Moonbeam. We hope this proposal will serve as an example to create a generalizable, trust-minimized approach to cross-chain deployments, with the goal of supporting a multichain Uniswap ecosystem.

(ends 3rd April)


  1. Trust Wallet

8.1 Launch Trust Wallet Marketing Learn2Earn Platform

To encourage more people to discover Trust Wallet, we offer to launch a wallet user/token holder offerings platform in Trust Wallet for user acquisition and retention. Making simple and entry-free marketing learn2earn events for TW users and TWT holders with partners/contributors/advertisers.

This new platform/dapp will allow people to get educated while safely using the wallet and apps — and get rewarded.

(ends 6th April)




1.1 Add MAI to Aave V3 on Polygon, Fantom, and Avalanche

MAI is the first and largest stablecoin project on Polygon and Fantom. It is an overcollateralized stablecoin that is non-custodial. All MAI is backed by collateral locked in user-managed vaults. MAI minting is available on 8 chains, and bridging to 18 chains.

All accepted collaterals are priced using Chainlink price feeds. MAI has stayed within its peg through several market downturns.

There’s around 250M MAI minted, with liquidity on all top DEXs in which MAI is present. A significant portion of liquidity for MAI is on Curve. MAI hosts the largest pool on Curve Polygon and the pool with most volume on Curve Fantom.

(ends 1stApril)


2.1 Enter the Stargate [Signal]


Implement Stargate Omnichain native asset bridge into Sushi to allow for Omnichain Token Swaps.

(ends 4th April)


3.1 Make $Cake multichain dapp.

I feel is time we expand to other chains make something like stargate is building. We have liquidity and we have users. PCS can become much more than is currently, a BRIDGE and farming on other chains will be very beneficial for long term longevity. Also an ERC 20 $cake would help ethereum whales buy into it on their own chain.

(ends 27thApril)

3.2 Proposal for a ($GMI) Syrup Pool and Farm

PancakeSwap Welcomes ($GMI) to Syrup Pool!

Dear CAKE holders, we’re proud to announce a new Syrup Pool with! is a new IDO launchpad that focuses on launching blockchain based games such as P2E, Metaverses, NFT games, and more!

(ends 30th March)

3.3 Create a stable coin backed by cake burning

create a stable coin cusd which is backed by burning and minting cake

(ends 26th April)

3.3 take pancake swap to jupiter

In your exchange or in cake token make it a project of web 3.0 either as decentralized file storage platform, content sharing, media sharing etc, as there is paradime shift coming for sure till next bitcoin halving, work on it and make a solid use case of pancake native token beside staking and ifo offering etc.

(ends 24th October)



4.1 TAP-9 Rocket Pool Whitelist

Summary: Seek authority from the community to whitelist Rocket Pool for staking of idle ETH reserve.

(ends 31st March)


  1. Decentraland

5.1 Should Events announcements be limited to 1 day or less at a time to be considered “Happening now”??

Should we continue to let event organizers hog the top slots of the Events page or should there be additional limits set to how long an event can be happening “now”?

(ends 3rd April)

5.2 A Strategy to improve the relationship between MakerDAO and MANA.

This document details a tested strategy that will help the DAO secure the position of MANA in the MakerDAO ecosystem. It will do so by increasing the collateralized MANA in Maker protocol and increasing the liquidity volumes in decentralized exchanges (DEXs).

(ends 2nd April)

5.3 Establish a Formal Process for Adding/Removing DAO Committee Members

The DAO needs a clear process for removing and adding DAO Committee members. This proposal is a Draft Proposal outlining such a process for community consideration.

(ends 4th April)

5.4 Decentraland teach and promote for Portuguese and English speaking community

I have a community on Telegram focused to teach portuguese speakers how to get in Decentraland and know this amazing world. I’m moderator of ZERO2HERO streamer too, helping people in there to make they projects come true.

(ends 31st March)


  1. Proof of humanity

6.1 [Signaling][Phase 2]: HIP-41: Allow verbal confirmation for registrating users

This would add the option to have a user, instead of holding a sign with their address, give a verbal confirmation of their public address. Either visual or verbal confirmation would be accepted.

(ends 31st March)


6.2 [Phase 2][Signaling] HIP-40 Clarification of image rules

Change image rules to explicitly forbid black & white or rotated. Also add a max file size and a minimum resolution.

(ends 30th March)


  1. BadgerDAO

7.1 BIP 88. Emissions: Q2 2022.


  • Keep Badger emissions for ibBTC and bcvxCRV on Ethereum, renBTC and Badger/WBTC on Arbitrum; remove the rest.
  • Allocate up to 8k Badger per week for testing new emissions programs/bribing/etc to be allocated at the discretion of the Badger Council.
  • Keep DIGG emissions the same as Q1 2022.
  • The net result is 20,000 BADGER per week emitted from the treasury in Q2 vs. 27,802 in the last week of Q1. This is a 28% reduction in emissions.
  • bveCVX is currently buying more than 12k BADGER per week and distributing it to its HODLers. This both creates buy pressure for more than half the treasury emitted tokens and makes up for the reduction in emissions to other Vaults.

(ends 30th March)

7.2 BIP 86. Change and ratify Badger Council Membership.


Change the Badger Council to be made up of:

  • Team: 1500, Mitche
  • Community: ethkey, Hash_Error, Freddy, vipes, Prince Tok.
  • Add Yafeh as an alternate Community Council member. Alternate’s vote will count IF any 1 of 7 council members fails to vote on any item brought before the council.

(ends 30th March)





1.1 Consensus Check – Should Uniswap add the 1bp fee tier to Polygon?

To date, Uniswap has four deployments: Ethereum, Abritrum, Optimism, and Polygon. In addition to these deployments, there are proposals to deploy Uniswap on Harmony, Celo, and more chains expected soon. The protocol should continue to deploy to new markets, but as the protocol continues to grow, it is vital the protocol learns to manage each of the deployments. With each new chain, there is new infrastructure that needs to be adapted to so that UNI on Ethereum can govern all of these deployments.

(ends 26th March)


  1. OlympusDAO

2.1 TAP 8 – Yearn Finance Whitelist

Whitelisting Yearn Finance will allow Olympus to earn yield on idle reserve assets to help bolster the backing of OHM and grow the treasury. The DAO will adhere to the treasury framework of no more than 25% of excess reserve assets to a protocol. However, this is just a limit and the DAO will assess the optimal distribution on a per asset.

(ends 25th March)


2.2 OIP-86: Uniswap Migration Proposal

This is a proposal to migrate the bulk of the OHM-DAI and OHM-ETH liquidity currently on Sushi to Uniswap v2 and v3. The migration deploys liquidity for both these OHM pairs across the full price range, and adjusts the liquidity depth in the same process. Additionally, the proposal outlines the implementation of a novel policy lever — concentrated liquidity bonds.

(ends 25th March)


  1. Decentraland

3.1 Scaling Filmrare to acquire titles, create wearables, and onboard filmmakers

Filmrare has established a stream of content that has brought people together to watch movies in a metaverse movie theater that behaves a lot like real-world cinemas. Our core philosophy/principle has been to always acquire rights to screen content. This might be slow but it ensures that the creator/rights owners are onboarded to DCL, are compensated for their work, and spread awareness. We have spent hours building relationships with independent filmmakers and rights owners. We don’t want to stop here and make this effort a scalable/profitable venture so that it’s recognized as a genuine venue to consume content. This grant will keep us alive until we turn profitable.

(ends 3rd April)


4.1 veBAL Activation

A series of actions need to happen for the new veBAL tokenomics system to be deployed. This proposal asks for the governance multisig to grant permissions for the coordinator smart contract in order to enable it to perform the actions necessary to successfully deploy the ve system.

(ends 25th March)


5.1 Alternative Gotchiverse Trait Mapping for NRG, AGG, SPK & BRN

With the introduction of Gotchiverse trait maps in the Game Bible Chapter 2, a significant discussion kicked off analyzing potential imbalances, weaknesses and areas for innovation in the original proposed trait map for NRG, AGG, SPK & BRN.

(ends 24th March)

  1. Paraswap

6.1 PSP-IPΔ14 – Allocate 1,000,000 PSP to Bancor POL

Following the governance discussion regarding the additional addition of 1,000,000 PSP to the Bancor POL this Proposal is being put up to vote to fulfill the following objectives: Increase Protocol Owned Liquidity, Allow for larger orders in PSP, Increase PSP Volume, and Increase the PSP-Bancor Revenue Stream.

We hereby submit the execution of the Allocation of 1,000,000 PSP into the Bancor Liquidity Vault to a vote. PSP-IPΔ14 funding would be sourced from the PSP POL Budget.

(ends 25th March)


  1. OpenDAO

7.1 SOSIP-18-The OpenDAO Academy

The OpenDAO academy will execute the mission of the OpenDAO to promote education in the cryptosphere.

The OpenDAO academy will host a flagship cohort graduate practice Diploma in Web3 program. There will be a free audit and a pay-to-earn-a-qualification-NFTs-on-chain segment.

(ends 24th March)



8.1 GIP-28: Allow locked and staked GNO to vote

The current Snapshot strategy only accounts for GNO on mainnet. The proposed update accounts for GNO, LGNO, MGNO, and staked GNO on Gnosis Chain and Mainnet (where applicable).

(ends 24th March)


9.1 Prop-019 – New Farms and Farm adjustment!

This new proposal aims at adding a new type of BOO farm, BOO-USDC and a new farm APE-FTM, APE is the governance token of the Bored Ape Yacht Club, more info here: and has had extremely high volume, something we are hoping to attract to Spooky!

(ends 25th March)



10.1 [Gate 1] NFT Index Creation

PieDAO has been discussing the idea of a $PFP pie in various forms for many months, but various issues with how the pie would be constructed have prevented us from formally organizing the product. 

(ends 24th March)





1.1 Should six (6) total risk parameters across five (5) Aave V2 assets be updated?

This proposal is a batch update of risk parameters to align with the Moderate risk level chosen by the Aave community. These parameter updates are a continuation of Gauntlet’s regular parameter recommendations.

(ends 23rd March)


2.1 Consensus Check – Should Uniswap add the 1bp fee tier to Polygon?

To date, Uniswap has four deployments: Ethereum, Abritrum, Optimism, and Polygon. In addition to these deployments, there are proposals to deploy Uniswap on Harmony, Celo, and more chains expected soon. The protocol should continue to deploy to new markets, but as the protocol continues to grow, it is vital the protocol learns to manage each of the deployments. With each new chain, there is new infrastructure that needs to be adapted to so that UNI on Ethereum can govern all of these deployments.

(ends 26th March)



3.1 OIP-85: Emissions Adjustments

Reduce emission to bottom of current tier (0.1186%) under the following conditions:

  1. a) when reserve bonds are paused
  2. b) when inverse bonds are active

(ends 22nd March)


3.2 TAP 8 – Yearn Finance Whitelist

Whitelisting Yearn Finance will allow Olympus to earn yield on idle reserve assets to help bolster the backing of OHM and grow the treasury. The DAO will adhere to the treasury framework of no more than 25% of excess reserve assets to a protocol. However, this is just a limit and the DAO will assess the optimal distribution on a per asset.

(ends 25th March)

3.3 OIP-86: Uniswap Migration Proposal

This is a proposal to migrate the bulk of the OHM-DAI and OHM-ETH liquidity currently on Sushi to Uniswap v2 and v3. The migration deploys liquidity for both these OHM pairs across the full price range, and adjusts the liquidity depth in the same process. Additionally, the proposal outlines the implementation of a novel policy lever — concentrated liquidity bonds.

(ends 25th March)


  1. BanklessDAO

4.1 Governance Solution Engineer Program – Re-Implementation

GSE Definitions:

Governance-minded DAO members elected to spec out a comprehensive solution to mission-critical DAO infrastructure challenges.


  • 5 GSE Electees
    • 75K per electee
    • Additional 750K bank for potential bonus to be paid at the end of the season.
    • Potential Total per GSE: 225K BANK
    • Potential Total for GSEs Overall: 1.125M BANK
  • Two Operational pools of 500k BANK for additional contributors in each problem space to be involved, and distributed per the groups decision (potentially coordinape).
    • 1M Bank in total.

(ends 23rd March)


4.2 Grants Committe Election for S4 and S5

According to the specifications for Season 1, there are three seats open for the Grants Committee for the next term (that is for Season 4 and Season 5).

(ends 23rd March)


4.3 Governance Solutions Engineer Re-implementation – Election

As proposed by the REVISED Governance Solutions Engineer (GSE) Program, the DAO is to elect 5 GSEs.

The submission period was held between February 25th and March 11th.

Please read each applicant’s response thoroughly and elect the 5 GSEs based on their qualifications and ideas.

The decisions made here will have long-term implications for the DAO.

After this election, the applicants will have 2 weeks to organize and prepare, and the GSE will officially kick off at the start of Season 4 – April 8th.

(ends 23rd March)


  1. Decentraland

5.1 Scaling Filmrare to acquire titles, create wearables, and onboard filmmakers

Filmrare has established a stream of content that has brought people together to watch movies in a metaverse movie theater that behaves a lot like real-world cinemas. Our core philosophy/principle has been to always acquire rights to screen content. This might be slow but it ensures that the creator/rights owners are onboarded to DCL, are compensated for their work, and spread awareness. We have spent hours building relationships with independent filmmakers and rights owners. We don’t want to stop here and make this effort a scalable/profitable venture so that it’s recognized as a genuine venue to consume content. This grant will keep us alive until we turn profitable.

(ends 3rd April)


  1. Proof of Humanity

6.1[Phase 3][Binding]: HIP-39: Election rules for elected officials

This proposal implements rules for how members are elected for official positions are elected with a defined expiration date – currently only the “Mission Board”.

(ends 23rd March)



7.1 veBAL Activation

A series of actions need to happen for the new veBAL tokenomics system to be deployed. This proposal asks for the governance multisig to grant permissions for the coordinator smart contract in order to enable it to perform the actions necessary to successfully deploy the ve system.

(ends 25th March)


8.1 Alternative Gotchiverse Trait Mapping for NRG, AGG, SPK & BRN

With the introduction of Gotchiverse trait maps in the Game Bible Chapter 2, a significant discussion kicked off analyzing potential imbalances, weaknesses and areas for innovation in the original proposed trait map for NRG, AGG, SPK & BRN.

(ends 24th March)


  1. Paraswap

9.1 PSP-IPΔ14 – Allocate 1,000,000 PSP to Bancor POL

Following the governance discussion regarding the additional addition of 1,000,000 PSP to the Bancor POL this Proposal is being put up to vote to fulfill the following objectives: Increase Protocol Owned Liquidity, Allow for larger orders in PSP, Increase PSP Volume, and Increase the PSP-Bancor Revenue Stream.

We hereby submit the execution of the Allocation of 1,000,000 PSP into the Bancor Liquidity Vault to a vote. PSP-IPΔ14 funding would be sourced from the PSP POL Budget.

(ends 25th March)


  1. OpenDAO

10.1 SOSIP-18-The OpenDAO Academy

The OpenDAO academy will execute the mission of the OpenDAO to promote education in the cryptosphere.

The OpenDAO academy will host a flagship cohort graduate practice Diploma in Web3 program. There will be a free audit and a pay-to-earn-a-qualification-NFTs-on-chain segment.

(ends 24th March)


  1. CityDAO

11.1 Funding Proposal for CityDAO Podcast

Recurring: $2,000/mth x 12mths to fund the following:

  • All checklist items for production (scroll down below for details)
  • Weekly episodes on-going x 52 weeks
  • Audio editing
  • Written show notes and reference url’s
  • Website updates + hosting + management
  • Guest sourcing, relations, organizing and hosting
  • Leadership for the show overall

(ends 23rd March)


11.2 CIP-35 Core Team Rewards

Over the last 8 months, the Core Team laid groundwork for CityDAO – including acquiring Parcel 0 and setting up the legal infra for CityDAO LLC, Parcel 0, and the land drop. As we decentralize operations and welcome the council, this proposal seeks to reward contributors upon success criteria like the Parcel 0 Launch and Operating Agreement. This proposal grants 281 out of the 2,000 reserved contributor Citizen NFTs for core team members.

(ends 23rd March)





1.1 Should we adopt the Gitcoin Foundation and take legal possession of philanthropic assets from Gitcoin Holdings

This proposal is to signal that we, as a community and DAO, would like to adopt The Gitcoin Foundation, an exempted Cayman Foundation Company, as our legal entity to take possession of and steward multiple assets from Gitcoin Holdings.

(ends 20th March)

1.2 Steward Council Term Allocation

The proposal is that a pool of GTC is allocated across the Stewards Council for the term. This is to cover gas costs incurred in voting and offer fair allocation for the group as long as they fulfil their functions outlined above. The sum is for the whole council for the entire term.

(ends 18th March)


2.1 [Consensus Check] Should we deploy Uniswap V3 on Celo?

Blockchain technology can help address limit greenhouse gas emissions and promote sustainable practices by tokenizing carbon-sequestering assets such as rainforests. Those tokenized assets can then be purchased by individuals and businesses to democratize carbon offsetting and increase funding for environmental protection projects. We believe that together, Uniswap and Celo can lead the path to growing natural capital assets.

(ends 20th March)


3.1 Event management & NFT ticketing platform for Decentraland

After everyone’s feedback we decided to narrow the scope. This will allow us to demonstrate that we deliver and that our product adds value to DCL users.

Our mission is to improve the event’s ecosystem in DCL. Our solution consists of three sections: DApp, SDK and Builder

(ends 28th March)


  1. Proof of Humanity

4.1 [Phase 3][Binding]: HIP-39: Election rules for elected officials

This proposal implements rules for how members are elected for official positions are elected with a defined expiration date – currently only the “Mission Board”.

(ends 23rd March)


5.Curve Finance

5.1 Proposal to Launch Curve on Celo

The Celo community is proposing to deploy Curve on the Celo Blockchain. This expansion to Celo will enable Curve to broaden its reach into a new DeFi ecosystem with $7M of additional incentives for Curve users.

(ends 21st March)



6.1 Extend the rage quit period to allow the new snapshot for everyone who had wmemo in other blockchains and were unadvised

Proposal: extend the rage quit period, ANNOUNCE IN EVERY POSSIBLE MEDIUM that wmemo needs to be in avalanche, or snapshot every blockchain since wmemo’s “only” purpose was to be multichain.

(ends 17th March)



7.1 SCP-69] ShapeShift DAO to DAO ecosystem treasury

The ShapeShift DAO is in a unique position when it comes to deal flow of new decentralized projects and DAOs, as well as an opportunity to collaborate with and support the very ecosystem the DAO wishes to provide a decentralized global interface for. One of the best ways the ShapeShift DAO can leverage its treasury to support this, is to form and fund a sub-DAO focused on DAO to DAO relationships supporting, partnering, and investing into the ecosystem the ShapeShift DAO wishes to see evolve.

(ends 17th March)



8.1 Proposal to increase the trading liquidity limit in the PHTR pool from 400,000 BNT to 800,000 BNT

This proposal seeks to increase the trading liquidity limit in the PHTR pool from 400,000 BNT to 800,000 BNT.

Phuture Finance will stake 6.8m PHTR (roughly $860,000) that will be made available with the increase in the trading limit.

(ends 17th March)


8.2 Proposal to Whitelist Signata (SATA) with 50,000 BNT trading liquidity limit

Proposal to whitelist SATA.

Trading Liquidity Limit of 50,000 BNT.

There are no security concerns that could prohibit whitelist status.

There is no reason to doubt the legitimacy of the Signata project.

The benefit to Bancor is clear. Providing SATA liquidity will attract token LPs from the Signata community to swap on Bancor, and increase protocol trade volume.

(ends 17th March)


8.3 Proposal to increase trading liquidity limit in the FODL pool from 100k BNT to 250k BNT

  • The FODL pool has recently been whitelisted .
  • A suggestion from @glenn to increase the trading liquidity limit from 100k to 250k in the whitelisting thread was made.
  • The FODL liquidity on other decentralised exchanges justifies proposing an increase.
  • Increasing the pool’s liquidity will improve price impact and help direct more volume to Bancor.
  • This proposal seeks to increase the trading liquidity limit in the pool from 100k BNT to 250k BNT.

(ends 17th March)



9.1 [EP10] [Executable] Fund a DAO-Governed Identity Server

This proposal is for the funding and establishment of a community-run OIDC Identity Provider Server for Sign-In with Ethereum, maintained by Spruce.

(ends 21stMarch)

9.2 [EP9] [Executable] Change to Exponential Premium Price Oracle

In the past we deployed the Linear Premium Oracle as a way to create a distribution mechanism that did not involve gas auctions and bots. This was largely successful and those who wanted a recently expired name could participate in the dutch auction and not have to compete on gas or with bots. Recently with the popularity of ENS increasing, the demand and the price people are willing to pay for these premium names has increased. In response to this TNL quickly drafted a short-term solution to raise the premium to 100k, which we felt was the upper limit for what a linear price decay curve could handle.

(ends 21st March)