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A quick taste of what were getting into:

DeFi Slate x Aave

  • First sponsor of DeFi Slate
  • Collab with co-founders Stani & Marc
  • Featured in all newsletters & podcasts

DeFi Slate x Alpha

  • First leveraged LP pools in DeFI
  • ​Founder Tascha building new products & tokenomics all year
  • ​Featured on YouTube tutorials

2021 Token Predictions

  • Bringing 20-30 DeFi tokens to $1B mcap
  • ​New projects coming up in ranks as you read this
  • ​”Buyers go where the builders are”

We Are Building The Bridges DeFi Needs To Succeed Thanks To Our Protocol Partnerships!

The Next Steps For You…

The price of the DeFi Slate Degen Community is $0 for your 14-day trial.

After that it’s $37/month.
Or you can pay a full year in crypto and get a 15% discount, $350/year.
No, thats not a typo.
We want to get you & everyone else who is hungry for success access to this content because we truly believe it can be extremely impactful.
NOTE: I personally am not getting a single penny of the revenue generated from this community, it is being fully handed onto the DeFi Slate DAO Inner Council to use for their efforts in continuing our project.
Consider us your go-to guys, your trustworthy team, your band of alpha leakers.
Upon clicking any of the green buttons on this page, you’ll be directed to an order form where you will be asked to put in your contact & credit card info.
If you don’t feel like you’ve gotten 10x the value that a $37/mo program would provide with DeFi Slate Degen Community, feel free to email defislate@gmail.com using the SAME email you enrolled with stating exactly why you feel like we fell short, and we’ll be happy to get back to you within 24 hours and ensure that your membership is cancelled & not charged.
However, be aware: If you choose to leave the community, there are no second chances. Once you’re out, you are out.
Let’s crush it together.
Click the button to join us below, then fill out the info on the next page to join the revolution! We are looking forward to seeing you inside.
To Your Success,
Andy, Rob & The DeFi Slate Team

Our Roadmap

Have A Look At What Some Of The DeFi Slate Subscribers Are Saying…


Can I Have A Sneak Peek Look At What Is Inside?
Yeah sorta! Linked here is our YouTube channel with a bunch of content for you to look through. Here is our substack newsletter link as well. It’s a bit more spread out and diverse and maybe 5% of the info we’ll cover throughout your journey in the community.

Is This Another Paid Signals Group?
Nope! We will not tell you to ‘buy here’ & ‘sell there’ like typical PnD groups. We will guide you to make decisions for yourself, educate you on tutorials, provide you with info that the market isn’t aware of yet, engage in quality discussions about ideas, provide you an opportunity to contribute to DeFi Slate & answer fundamental questions as best as we can.

Do I need a lot of starting capital if I’m not already invested in crypto?
We recommend having a few thousand dollars (or more) that you are willing to invest into DeFi and a steady income to continuously invest! The great part about crypto is that there have been hundreds of stories of people starting off with very small capital and exponentially increasing their portfolio.

What does this community give me that I can’t find on Twitter or Reddit?
The biggest boost to our success in the crypto ecosystem is our network and those who we go over ideas, investments, etc with. We will be your go-to guys for questions, ideas, and collaborations. We are a team. Power in numbers.

Transaction fees on Ethereum prevent me from making the trades I want. Will you teach me how to avoid fees and still participate in DeFi?
Fees are killer right now, especially for smaller traders/investors. We will show you how to utilize Layer 2s (with no fees) and also earn yield and participate in staking using the least amount of gas possible.

Is there a money-back guarantee?
Yes! The monthly fee totally refundable if you do not like the community! However if you are worried about this, please do not join the community.


EARNINGS DISCLAIMER: The investment figures stated above are what you can potentially make based on our & others figures. Please understand these results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who follows any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, this is not for you.
⚠️ FINANCIAL ADVICE DISCLAIMER: Investing into cryptocurrency and DeFi platforms comes with inherent risk including technical risk, human error, platform failure and more. At certain points throughout this post, we might get commission for promoting certain projects, if this is the case we will always make sure it is clear. We are strictly an educational content platform, nothing we offer is financial advice. We are not professionals or licensed advisors.
Have any questions? Please contact us at defislate@gmail.com, thanks!