???? Wiretap Wednesday: How to turn your BTC into a productive asset

Using RenBridge & renBTC to earn passive yield in DeFi

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DeFi Slate Family:

The Bitcoin maximalist vs. Etherean wars have only just begun.

For us neutral parties, its clear that the battle is not BTC vs. ETH its us vs. the banks. Why fight internally when we can collab for the betterment of the entire community?

Regardless of what the maxi’s say, Ethereum is literally swallowing Bitcoin daily (see graph below).

Introducing: RenBridge.

The go-to protocol to take your dormant BTC and turn it into renBTC, an ERC-20 token pegged to the price of BTC.

Lets dive into the where, why, and the how to turn your BTC into a productive, yield generating asset.

Giddy on up farmers.

– Andy

???? Together with:

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It’s officially time to start testing the first version of Synonym. Break things, provide feedback, and of course, get rewarded.???????? Here

Off-chain governance. On-chain execution. Optimistically execute governance transactions on-chain where your community can approve them. Check it out Here!

⚠️ DISCLAIMER: Investing in cryptocurrency and DeFi platforms comes with inherent risks including technical risk, human error, platform failure and more. At certain points throughout this post, we might get a commission for promoting certain projects, if this is the case we will always make sure it is clear. We are strictly an educational content platform, nothing we offer is financial advice. We are not professionals or licensed advisors.


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