DeFi Slate x Nate Hindman: AMMs & Bancor V2

Automated market makers, impermanent loss, and Bancor V2

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The AMM wars have officially started. Sushi, Uniswap, Mooniswap you name it – the name of the game is to suck up as much liquidity as possible.

It’s been a full degen fest.

However, we all know the best UX and features will win in the long-term over the flashy xxxx% APYs.

Not too many people understand what’s going on under the hood of these automated market makers.

And can end up in a not so pretty situation due to impermanent loss.

Come join us for a short video interview with Nate Hindman, the lead of growth from Bancor as we explore the AMM space and Bancor V2.


– Andy

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DeFi Slate x Nate Hindman: AMMs & Bancor V2

In this short video interview, I had the pleasure of speaking with Nate from Bancor! Bancor is a DeFi protocol which helps conduct decentralized trading through an AMM. Bancor stands out because it mitigates impermanent loss through several implementations which we dive deep into in the video! Bancor V2 has had a “soft launch” with its liquidity pools filling up insanely fast – this is only the beginning for Bancor.

⚠️DISCLAIMER: Investing into cryptocurrency and DeFi platforms comes with inherent risk including technical risk, human error, platform failure and more. We are strictly an educational content platform, nothing we offer is financial advice. Please refer to our blog for more on mitigating your downside when using these protocols!

???? Shoutout To Our Partner: MCDEX— trade the first ever decentralized ETH & LINK perp swap contracts on MCDEX.

???? New To Yield Farming? Use Akropolis to lend, borrow, and dollar-cost-average in the simplest way possible with their new Delphi mainnet launch!

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