DeFi Slate x Nick Fett: Oracles, Tellor, and the Future of DeFi

Andy and Tellor CTO Nick Fett sit down for 17-minutes of DeFi

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Oracles are the talk of the town.

If you’re a DeFi’er you probably own some in your portfolio…Rightfully so, as they are the main service which brings off-chain data, onto blockchains.

Think about synthetic assets, bringing real world assets like real estate onto the blockchain.

Using oracles to get that data on-chain.

And once this opportunity grows, oracles will flourish as their use case is nearly limitless.

Welcome to the new era.

Feels like were building the internet in 2000.

Welcome to Web 3.0.

Keep learning, growing, and getting just a tad more independent of your bank every single week. The progress compounds.

– Andy

DeFi Slate x Nick Fett: Oracles, Tellor, and the Future of DeFi

In this short interview Andy and Tellor CTO sit down for 17-minutes of DeFi! They discuss the concepts of DeFi, the future of Oracles and Tellor, and some fun ideological phenomenons that are explored through fiat currency and decentralized finance. Tellor is growing rapidly & Nick has been part of what is a 3-person team working on the oracle service.

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