Fresh Take Monday: yVaults & $YFI

The newly launched yVaults are bringing yield farming to a whole new level

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Yearn Finance is taking over the DeFi world. Brace for impact.

The innovation we’ve recently seen from them has really blown the DeFi space out of the water. And we expect nothing less in the future from Andre Cronje, the leader of Yearn.

The launch of the YFI token has already hit an insane ROI.

Governance in full effect.

Decentralization on the red carpet, all with the backbone of the Ethereum network holding up better than ever.

We know the $LINK marines are happy to see the yVaults open up.

And everyone else in the space too.

Lets dive right in.

– Andy

P.S. Getting involved with crypto is confusing. Making the move to become your own bank is a long process. We’re still so early. We got you covered.

Fresh Take Monday: yVaults & $YFI

The last few weeks have felt like operating at lightspeed for the DeFi space. It really has been a blast for us, recording new content and learning so much. The biggest standout has undoubtedly been the developments of Yearn Finance and the impacts it could make on the yield farming world. So, what is really going on at yearn?

Lets dive in with this video I just recorded for y’all!


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