Wiretap Wednesday: Onboarding Retail w/ Ramp Network

Founder Szymon Sypniewicz speaks on his massive plans to bring crypto mainstream

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Towards the end of 2017, the bull market frenzy was so wild exchanges had to close down new account signups because they couldn’t take on new users.

That won’t happen this time.

The infrastructure is being built as we speak.

Pieces are being put in place.

And that’s exactly where Ramp Network fits in the ‘money lego’ system of the DeFi world: Onboarding billions of retail investors and traders in the easiest way possible.

Founder Szymon, with a libertarian background and interests, has put his business’ mission to spread crypto mainstream…To make SURE the Fed and central banks worldwide feel the pressure being applied as a check and balance system.

We dive deep into what makes Ramp effective, his visions of DeFi, and how he is preparing for a wild few years ahead!

Enjoy fam.

– Andy


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Wiretap Wednesday: Onboarding Retail w/ Ramp Network

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???? Check out their platform & get your crypto at very competitive rates

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