Full Send Friday: Week In Review

Busy week for DeFi – yield farming opps, sponsor updates & more

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This week was a bit slower. Nothing CRAZY happening but a lot of development on the fundamental side of things.

We’re seeing growth in DeFi protocols amidst a marketwide sell-off.

CEXs getting their feet wet in DeFi.

And more yield farming opps popping up!


– Andy

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Full Send Friday: Week In Review

This week was particularly interesting for DeFi investors – a lot of dropping token prices, yet a lot of growth on the fundamental and building side. Let’s dive in.

Solana launched an ever-needed and important bridge to Ethereum, who said competitors can’t collaborate? In the name of interoperability, yo!

The $LEND -> $AAVE integration finally got on and was a huge success with over 40% of tokens already migrated to this day! (More instructions in tweet below)

Gemini, a large OG CEX, listed a bunch of DeFi native tokens:

On that note, Binance also has listed multiple new DeFi coins + getting deeper into the yield farming craze:

The on-going Cream Finance liquidity drama heated up with ChainLink God pressing the narrative further:

Synthetix is pushing development hard with more releases:

ETHOnline is growing and continuing as the hackathon is running thru the month of October, catch the next summit today at 12PM EST:

After Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong’s article on being apolitical, Coinbase lost quite a few employees:

CoinGecko’s Q3 report is now out:

The INDEX pool farming launched & DPI (DeFi Pulse Index) saw major growth:

And that’s about it for this week folks! Keep your heads on straight and enjoy the weekend, remember: Think bigger. Think long term!

????DISCLAIMER: Investing into cryptocurrency and DeFi platforms comes with inherent risk including technical risk, human error, platform failure and more. We are strictly an educational content platform, nothing we offer is financial advice. Please refer to our blog for more on mitigating your downside when using these protocols!

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