Boba Network

EXCLUSIVE Look behind the curtain of ETHCC DeFi Slate Fam: We have to give a massive shoutout to the YAP Global team! Without them, we would never be able to attend these conferences, create our interviews and podcasts & everything else! Having quite a few conferences under their belts the YAP Global team, led by [...]

Discover How Komodo Fits Into the Evolving Landscape of Blockchain Infrastructure! DeFi Slate Fam: The journey along ETHCC continues to build with ascension. Each moment we spend with the experts of blockchain is a new opportunity to grow the collective wealth of information. This moment was no different. Kadan, CTO of Komodo, is an expert [...]

We highlight the post-merge world could look like for Layer 2s and DeFi in general DeFi Slate Fam: THE MERGE IS COMING! But, what does that mean for Layer 2s? The highly anticipated Ethereum ‘merge’ is one of the most burning topics in blockchain today. The merge marks the end of the resource-intensive Proof-of-Work (PoW) [...]

Join Us and Get Ready for the New Era of Financial Primitives with Boba Network. DeFi Slate Fam: A terrific week at Permissionless! Waves of founders, builders, and innovators came together to show support for the next era of blockchain. Over the past 5 years, most TradFi primitives have seen deployments on-chain. The result is [...]

Exclusive look into what building an L2 is like and how Boba Network adds tons of value to the Web3 ecosystem DeFi Slate Fam: We are stoked to see innovation and progress happening on a daily basis in the Web3 ecosystem. There are new financial primitives deployed every day and blockchain continues to scale at [...]