Pegasys DEX

Discover the benefits of swapping, staking, and farming on Pegasys, a community-built DEX native to the Syscoin Network. DeFi Slate Fam: Welcome to a week of chop. These market conditions are a breath of fresh air after several weeks of dumpage but opportunities are still few and far between. The key so far has been [...]

???? Syscoin Ecosystem Update: Pegasys DEX Launch

What does it take to create an economy? Check out Pegasys DEX as they jumpstart the DeFi ecosystem on Syscoin DeFi Slate Fam: Today we covered one of the most exciting new DeFi ecosystems on the Multichain. Pegasys DEX is bringing DeFi to Syscoin (check out our previous podcast on Syscoin here) Syscoin is an [...]